The Childrens Hospital Coolgardie – the first children’s hospital in Western Australia, functioned for a time in Coolgardie but was eventually abandoned and the patients were placed in a special ward in the Government hospital close by. In 1904 the local authorities took over the building and used it as an infectious disease hospital.
Note: In these days it was expected that children were to be nursed at home and were not admitted to public hospitals. The site of the hospital still remains today and although the walls and roof are gone, no doubt to be used in another building, the foundations still remain.
Coolgardie Children’s Hospital
Western Argus Coolgardie 17th March 1897
The ever increasing population of Coolgardie and the large number of families settled in the district has been brought to the notice of a large number of philanthropic ladies and gentlemen. A good deal of sickness has shown its self among the children, many of whom cannot be accommodated in their own homes.
Seeing this, a number of influential residents have formed themselves into a committee and decided to erect a children’s hospital. Already the good work has been started, some money collected and a substantial stone building with nurses quarters is being erected in Montana (suburb of Coolgardie) on a block of land granted by the government.
The committee anticipate the building being ready in about 10 weeks but desire it be opened debt free. They also wish it be known that the institution will be purely non-sectarian and free of charge to all classes, they therefore ask for your sympathy and support.
Green & Charles Blizard
Joint Hon Sec
Rev J Burns
President of 7 Hunter Chambers
Alfred McKenzie
Treasurer of Bayley Street Coolgardie
Coolgardie Miner 1897 (unknown date)
Opposition to the erection of a children’s hospital as proposed by a ladies committee established by Mrs Finnerty (wife or Warden Finnerty) lead to a great deal of ‘wrangling’ but eventually the foundation stone of the new hospital was laid by the Mayors, Mrs A W McDonald on the 27th March 1897.The site chosen was one of the most picturesque in Montana on the corner of Hunt and Woodward Streets. The hospital which cost 566 pounds built of stone from the Golden Mile quarries and consists of two wards with brick partitions accommodating eight beds each. Staff were housed in an iron and hessian building separated from the main structure.
FOUNDATION CEREMONY – The Western Mail 26th Mar 1897
The foundation stone for the Children’s Hospital was laid by the Mayoress Mr McDonald this afternoon. The ceremony was witnessed by a large gathering. A procession of 400 children marched through the streets headed by a brass band, and on arrival at Montana the site of the hospital they were regaled with refreshments.
The committee of the hospital presented the Mayoress with a handsome silver trowel suitably inscribed. The new building will be of brick and stone with a contract price of 600 pounds. The hospital will comprise of two wards a detached kitchen and quarters for the nurses. The Coolgardie Children’s Hospital:
25 Mar 1897 Daily News: The foundation stone of the Coolgardie Children’s Hospital was laid yesterday by the Mayoress, despite the unpropitious weather. The building will be of stone and is to cost about £600. Already two or three cots have been endowed.
The building represented in this issue was erected by the citizens of Coolgardie some seven years ago, as a children’s hospital, when the necessity for hospital accommodation at that centre was taxed to its utmost. It is situated on the opposite side of the street, in which the Government Hospital is placed. About six years ago, when the accommodation at the Government institution was considerably enlarged, and sufficient to meet the wants of the residents of the town and district, the children’s hospital building was handed over to the Local Board of Health, and used as an infectious diseases hospital. Subsequently it came under the control of the Medical Department, and has since been used for the above purpose. An arrangement was entered into, whereby all infectious diseases occurring in the town are treated in this building. The hospital authorities provide the necessary staff, and the Local Board of Health pay a fixed rate for the maintenance and treatment of the patients sent in by the local Medical Officer of Health.
Moya Sharp
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Thank you Moya. The article regarding the children’s hospital in Coolgardie is very interesting. I enjoy reading your newsletter.
Adele Odd
Thank you so much Adele, your comments are much appreciated.