Charles PARKER was born in 1873 and his wife Hannah nee REES was born 1872. They were married in 1892 and came to Australia to live at Hill End in New South Wales. Five of the couples daughters were listed as deceased by 1903. Their last three children were born in Kalgoorlie, Violetta May in […]
Rolls of Honour
The Goldfields has many 'Rolls of Honour' from the Boer war through to the Vietnam war both in public places and in private building. This is a collection of some of the more hard to find rolls, listing those who fought and those who died.
The Ghosts of Red Flag Well
Sophie Chapman died at the Ajax GM lease at Red Flag on the Mt Margaret Goldfields. 12 miles south west of Laverton and 2 miles from the Hawks Nest Rail Siding. Buried alongside Alexander McDONALD (age 27) 100 meters ESE of the old Red Flag Well. Sophie Chapman and Alexander McDonald were killed by the […]
What is a Homestead Lease ???
The Homestead Leases, or more correctly Miners Homestead Leases (MHL), were issued under the mining laws of the time – until the demise of the 1904 Mining Act in 1982. These laws allowed bonefide miners/prospectors who held a Gold Mining Lease (GML) in the area to apply for suitable land (mostly away from their workings) […]
Then and Now – 7 Wordsworth Street
I just love a ‘Then and Now’ photo. These ones were sent to me by Ray Morris from his family album of 7 Wordsworth Street, Kalgoorlie. 7 Wordsworth was the family home for Charles Emmanuel TRELOAR & Alice TRELOAR nee WESTON (Alice being Ernest Joseph WESTON’s next eldest sister) with Edna May CASTLE nee TRELOAR […]
The Caldwell Brothers – a soldiers story
The following biographies have been researched by – Dave Spain 3638 PTE James Caldwell was born in Kanowna on or about January 1896. He enlisted in Perth, Western Australia, on the 23rd of March 1917. His Father was James Jonas Caldwell and his Mother was Charlotte Caldwell nee Gardner. They resided at 68 Padbury St, […]