One the back of this faded photograph was written:- Alma Harriet Emily Bennett, the first white child born in Kalgoorlie on the 21st April 1895. Daughter of Mr and Mrs F L Bennett, 142 Piccadilly Street, Kalgoorlie. Alma was to die young, not long after this photo was taken I would think. She died at […]
The people of the Goldfields
The Goldfields of Western Australia was and still is made up of many people, from poets to politicians, from saints and sinners and everything in between. I hope to tell you the stories of some of these people either famous or infamous or just the ordinary folks. Sometime the most ordinary people do the most extraordinry things
The Man they Bathed in Beer
The Countryman 16th Oct 1958 – ARTHUR BENNETT. Bill Faahan’s name creeps into most stories of early Coolgardie days. Bill ran the Club Hotel, he was the town’s mayor in its heyday, and he was known to every prospector east of Southern Cross. One of his many yardmen was a runaway sailor from a ship […]
Patriotic Knitters – Cue
This is an amazing photograph entitled’ Patriotic Knitters’. It was taken in Cue, Western Australia and shows a group of women and children knitting comforts for the WW1 troops. Looks like socks and scarves.
The Matron and the Major – Nurse Annie Jones
In early 1896 Annie Jones from Bendigo Victoria, was nursing in the Government hospital at Cue, Western Australia. While she was recovering from a mild form of typhoid fever, word came by camel train that Mr Magnus Maxton Calder, a member of the firm Calder & Co of Cue, was suffering from typhoid fever in […]
My Dear Annie – Missingham Letters 3
17 November 1896, Port Adelaide Tuesday 7 a.m. My Dearest Wifie We have just arrived here per Gabo and leave again this afternoon at 4 p.m. so we have been little time for this part the city of Adelaide or churches as it is often called by irreverent persons. It is situated 7 miles from […]