The people of the Goldfields

The Goldfields of Western Australia was and still is made up of many people, from poets to politicians, from saints and sinners and everything in between. I hope to tell you the stories of some of these people either famous or infamous or just the ordinary folks. Sometime the most ordinary people do the most extraordinry things

The Boulder Technical School – Sepia Saturday

John Mohr and Bros – Champion Greengrocer and Hawker

1901. Mr John Charles Mohr with young boy (Charlie Jones) Mr Mohr was born in 1875, his parents ran a green grocers in Northam. He came to the Goldfields as a young man in search of gold in 1894. At one time he did the mail run on a push bike between Coolgardie and Broadarrow […]

The Residence of S W Childs

This amazing home in Varden Street was the home of the managing engineer of the Kalgoorlie Electric Tramways until 1903. After this time it became a boarding house called ‘Esperance House’. Fortunately it has changed very little and is still in excellent condition. Western Argus 29th March 1903:- FAREWELL TO S W CHILDS The farewell social […]

Indigenous Australians At War

Heres’ to you Mrs Robinson – A pioneering woman

This photograph was taken at Lake View Consoles GM in Kalgoorlie in 1896. It shows a group of gold prospectors and miners, including adventurous natural-geologist and pioneering prospector Robert (‘Bobby’) Robinson and his wife, Annie, standing at the right of the group. Not many women are depicted in these early photographs, many choosing to stay […]