The people of the Goldfields

The Goldfields of Western Australia was and still is made up of many people, from poets to politicians, from saints and sinners and everything in between. I hope to tell you the stories of some of these people either famous or infamous or just the ordinary folks. Sometime the most ordinary people do the most extraordinry things

Its not all digital-

I recently had an email from a lady who I had been in contact with many years ago, asking me to assist her with a new family history query.   At first it seemed quite straight forward, she knew that her cousin died in 1943 and she had the full date of death, and the place […]

The Lamington Grocer – by Kevin Blacker

25 Ward Street Lamington In today’s world of super markets and city living, on line shopping the corner grocery store has almost gone. It’s now called a ‘deli and in most cases not a delicatessen as that is a sub section in Woollies or Coles. It means that we have lost contact with how our […]

The story behind the picture – a family

When Graham J Chapman  came across this following post card in the collection of his Great Aunt Flo’s, he started on a journey of discovery into his Sharp, Fisher and Trease families, represented in the photo. He also released that she was also other people’s ‘Great Aunt Flo’ as well as his. What an amazing […]

The Deserted Camp

The Deserted Camp Deserted now- no more you stir’d By those in quest of gold Now your but a memory blurr’d Of what you were of old Yet though the camp of silence sleeps Except for songs of birds Theres language in your silent heaps More elequont than words You speak to me of other […]

The Story of the Murchison   –  Part 1

As told by the nephew of the Late J C Peterkin, also called J C Peterkin, in Perth, March 1946. About the years 1889-1890, Gilles MacPherson and J C Peterkin met in Perth. Both were old Kimberley and Queensland prospectors, they had known each other for a long time but had never actually worked together. […]