The people of the Goldfields

The Goldfields of Western Australia was and still is made up of many people, from poets to politicians, from saints and sinners and everything in between. I hope to tell you the stories of some of these people either famous or infamous or just the ordinary folks. Sometime the most ordinary people do the most extraordinry things

Unmarked First World War Graves to be Commemorated:

From:- Vetaffairs Autum 2019 p17 A number of unmarked graves of World War veterans who died after returning from the war will be commemorated under a two year pilot program. Administrated by the Office of Australian War Graves (OAWG) the unmarked graves of the First World War Program will provide funding to help ex-service organisations, […]

“I’ve got me tobacco, I’ve got me beer and I’ve got me dog”.

I have been fortunate in being given permission by Roger Garwood to share his photographs from the book ‘Off Like Flies’ by Trish Ainslee and Roger Garwood. Roger told me:- Fred’s philosophy of life :  He once explained, after he had sold the Doreen Rose and the new owner (I’ve forgotten his name) found millions […]

Fighting Sons of the Empire – Westonia WW2

The following records have been very kindly sourced by Graeme Monaghan, I would like to thank him for all his hard work:- The following is a list of the men in WW2, who joined up, or were born in Westonia WA. It is not a comprehensive list, as there may be others we have not […]

The Day Dawn Christmas Tragedy:

I have read of many tales of hardship and awful accidents over the years, but the following story is without doubt, one of the saddest and most tragic of all I have ever come across. I first read about it 11 years ago when I was contacted by Ian Leithhead, who asked me to assist […]

Fond Memories shared – the Mt Ida Reunion

Mt Ida (Copperfield) In August 2008 people traveled from interstate and as far away as Canada, for a weekend reunion of former Mt Ida residents at the old gold mining town site. Some 92 people gathered for the reunion, held on the last weekend of August 2008. The reunion started with a barbecue at the […]