In the Christmas week of 1894, a prospector James Anderson, known as ‘New Zealand Jimmy’, finally had some success after a run of bad luck at Kurnalpi and Peake’s Find, by finding a nugget at Pig Flat at Coolgardie. It weighed in at 28 ozs for which he received £102 from the Union Bank. James […]
The people of the Goldfields
The Goldfields of Western Australia was and still is made up of many people, from poets to politicians, from saints and sinners and everything in between. I hope to tell you the stories of some of these people either famous or infamous or just the ordinary folks. Sometime the most ordinary people do the most extraordinry things
Yellowdine : Treasures in the Bush – book review
Yellowdine, Reen’s Soak, Bronti, Kellandi and Mt Palmer – by Delys Howlett This excellent book, published in 2007 by my good friend Delys Howlett, is a must read for anyone interested in the history of the district. Delys has a strong personal connection to this place she loves, as it is where she was brought […]
The Storming of Grants Groggery:
Roaring Days in Old Broad Arrow 1908 A Pioneer Publicans Troubles The Storming of Grants Groggery There used to be some purple hued hours in the now decadent old ” Arrow,” in tho devil-may-care and open handed Nineties. No one cared about the troubles of today, nor went out of his road to meet those […]
Milly Soak – Historic Graves
Thanks to John Pritchard for the original idea for this story: Milly/Millie Soak is 16 kilometers north of Cue and was a popular picnic spot in Cue’s early history. It also became the source of the town’s water for a number of years following the pollution of the town water supply due to poor sanitary […]
Boney Brims Contract:
Sunday Times : 22 December 1907 OLD “Boney Brim” and his old mate Jolly, walked deliberately into the bar of The Miners’ Arms, at Cue, and each drank a pint of beer. The contract for sinking the main shaft of the Old Warden mine another hundred feet, had just been let, and the two mates […]