I cant believe that the blog has just turned 6 years old. Its been a long road and from humble beginnings. From its start, when I just wanted to records interesting stories I came across for my own interest to now, with over 5800 registered readers on the mailing list. I am just so pleased […]
The people of the Goldfields
The Goldfields of Western Australia was and still is made up of many people, from poets to politicians, from saints and sinners and everything in between. I hope to tell you the stories of some of these people either famous or infamous or just the ordinary folks. Sometime the most ordinary people do the most extraordinry things
Harry ‘Tambo’ Taylor – Stockman of the Never Never
On the 19th May 1924 Harry ‘Tambo ’Taylor applied to receive the old age pension having reached the age of 65 yrs. His application was refused as he couldn’t show proof of his age. Harry was born to an aboriginal mother and an Irish father on the Glenalvon Station NSW in 1859. He had his […]
The Mysterious Mr Bradley – a family story
The comment ‘not another Lionel’ is a long-standing joke, between a good friend of mine and fellow historian, Graeme Sisson, who was the Archivist of the Police Historical Soc of WA at the time. It came to refer to any research inquiry that we were working on that was more than a little complicated and […]
The Murder of May Wain – grave tales
A Tragedy Recalled !!! The Six Mile Murder – by Clara Patton Crimes against women of any kind were very rare on the Goldfields of Western Australia. The prospecting community respected and valued women and welcomed their presence. It was therefor, a terrible shock to the community when it was made known that […]
George Brockway: the forgotten conservationist
George Brockway: the forgotten conservationist by Roger Underwood Submitted by Ian Kealley My career as a forester, and the career of famous forester George Brockway, overlapped by exactly two days. On January 2nd, 1963, immediately after graduation from Forestry School, I was appointed an Assistant District Forest Officer and posted to the Forests Department’s […]