The following newspaper article about a local wedding was reported, as you will see, in great detail. This was very common and sometimes each wedding present received was also listed with the name of the person who gave it. , It is to remember in these days that no one had television and articles like […]
The people of the Goldfields
The Goldfields of Western Australia was and still is made up of many people, from poets to politicians, from saints and sinners and everything in between. I hope to tell you the stories of some of these people either famous or infamous or just the ordinary folks. Sometime the most ordinary people do the most extraordinry things
A Lost and Desolate Wanderer –
Evening Journal, Adelaide, 30 January 1894 A Terrible Experience at Coolgardie. A well-known and respected resident of Kent Town has received a letter from his son, who recently went to Coolgardie from Adelaide, from which the following is extracted :— “On December 24 and 25 (Merry Christmas Day) I was dying, […]
A Davyhurst Romance:
Sunday Times 18 November 1906, page 4 DAVYHURST ROMANCE – THE VAGRANT LETTER The Bush Buck-and the Belle – A Mulga Novelette “Vagrant” : The love affairs of ‘Dancing Tommy’, coach-driver, poet, and whipper in in general at local social functions, have ever been of considerable interest to the Davyhurst community and other Mulgaland centres. […]
The Drovers Wife – a short story by Henry Lawson
“The Drover’s Wife” is a dramatic short story by the Australian writer Henry Lawson. It recounts the story of an outback woman left alone with her four children in an isolated hut. The story can be read in full here: The Drovers Wife In The Drover’s Wife by Henry Lawson we have the theme of […]
Charles William Douglas and family – by Harry Firns
The following family story is submitted by Harry Firns and was written by George Charles Douglas about his father Charles William Douglas. Born Inglewood 1871 died Adelaide 1916 My father Charles William Douglas married Annie May Bowen in 1900 in Melbourne and they sailed shortly afterwards to Western Australia. They lived in Boulder City where […]