The people of the Goldfields

The Goldfields of Western Australia was and still is made up of many people, from poets to politicians, from saints and sinners and everything in between. I hope to tell you the stories of some of these people either famous or infamous or just the ordinary folks. Sometime the most ordinary people do the most extraordinry things

Who Penned the Palaces Passionate Prose??

◊ Was it Herbert Hoover of Grant Hervey who wrote that ‘exotic and erotic poem’ which is displayed in the foyer of the Palace Hotel in Kalgoorlie? ◊ Underneath the poem is the legend that it was penned by Herbert Hoover, later to become President of the United States, who also donated to the hotel […]

Freedom on the Wallaby – Henry Lawson

  Australia’s a big country An’ Freedom’s humping bluey, An’ Freedom’s on the wallaby Oh! don’t you hear ‘er cooey? She’s just begun to boomerang, She’ll knock the tyrants silly, She’s goin’ to light another fire And boil another billy. Our fathers toiled for bitter bread While loafers thrived beside ’em, But food to eat […]

Ripping Yarns and Tragic Tales – Prospectors

Over the last few years I have checked to see which ‘Prospector’ stories had been most viewed. Here is a list of the most popular stories on the Outback Family History Blog. Feel free to share the stories and remember all stories on the OFH blog may be copied and shared (just give OFH a […]

William Boxall – pioneer profile

William Boxall operated as a Surgeon Dentist in the Goldfields for 14 years before moving his practice to Perth WA in 1909 due to his wife’s failing health. May Josephine Boxall (nee O’Brien) passed away on the 15 May 1920 at the age of 65 years. She was born in Victoria and came to WA […]

Not Just the Presidents Wife – Lou Henry Hoover

Lou Henry Hoover was the wife of Herbert Clark Hoover, the 31st president of the United States of America. There has been a great deal written about her husband’s time on the Goldfields of Western Australia but very little has been told about his wife’s achievements in her own right. During her time as ‘First […]