Southern Cross Times 31 May 1919, page 2 The Prospector’s Daughter Proud of gait, grandly tall, Dainty of hand and foot withal Graced with the glorious length of limb That thro’ the ages poets sing. Graceful of form, bewitching fair, Gracious of mien and debonair; Out looking the world thro’ fearless eyes, Welcoming life in […]
The people of the Goldfields
The Goldfields of Western Australia was and still is made up of many people, from poets to politicians, from saints and sinners and everything in between. I hope to tell you the stories of some of these people either famous or infamous or just the ordinary folks. Sometime the most ordinary people do the most extraordinry things
The Picnic – tragedy in the great drought
The day dawned still and sure, as the first day might have dawned. No wind whispered across the white dust. This was a day like any other. But she knew it was not! By Frannie HOPKIRK The woman had slept fitfully through the hot night. Her slumber the shallow sad unrest of one tormented by life, […]
The Girl from the Goldfields:
In 1913 (and for many years after), having an abortion was a criminal act in Western Australia. Both the woman and the person carrying out the operation could face severe penalties. However, this didn’t stop the many deaths of young pregnant women with no husband or family support, caused either by trying to induce an […]
Macquarie’s Dog:
Geraldton Advertiser 13 November 1896, page 3 That There Dog o’ Mine From Henry Lawson’s ” While the Billy Boils.” Macquarie the shearer had met with an accident. To tell the truth, he had been in a drunken row at a wayside shanty, from which he had escaped with three fractured ribs, a cracked head, […]
Father and Daughter – grave tales
In the Boulder Cemetery, there is an impressive grave of a father and daughter who will be together always. Henry FAUCKNER died on the 5th December 1899 aged 62yrs. – Henry was the son of John FAUCKNER and Elizabeth nee COCKING and was born in Redruth, Cornwall, England- He had originally been buried in the […]