This wonderful photograph, taken in Boulder, is from the family album of Glenda Martinick. It is of Lawrance and Elizabeth Blight, her GG Grandparents, and five of their children, plus a son-in-law and two grand children. Glenda tells me: I have a couple of connections to Boulder/Kalgoorlie though my GGGFather Lawrence Blight, who lived in […]
The people of the Goldfields
The Goldfields of Western Australia was and still is made up of many people, from poets to politicians, from saints and sinners and everything in between. I hope to tell you the stories of some of these people either famous or infamous or just the ordinary folks. Sometime the most ordinary people do the most extraordinry things
Joze AJDUK – grave tales
Headstone reads: In memory of my beloved father Jozo Ajduk died 30th Aug. 1926 aged 53 years. Inscription – Na Uspomenu Mog Pokojnog Otca Jozo Ajduk Rodjen 1873 Umbro 30 Aug. 1926 Njegov Nezamboravni Sin Ante. Translation – In memory of my beloved deceased father Jose Ajduk Born 1873 died 30 August 1926 Always remembered […]
Not Just a Presidents Wife – Lou Henry Hoover
Lou Henry Hoover was the wife of Herbert Clark Hoover, the 31st president of the United States of America. There has been a great deal written about her husband’s time on the Goldfields of Western Australia, but very little has been told about his wife’s achievements in her own right. During her time as ‘First […]
An Hotel by Any Other Name-
The Hotel Australia in Laverton Western Australia still stands today. It has changed very little over the years as you will see from the following photographs. The building has been re used for lots of different purposes but the façade has remained throughout. Originally the Hotel Australia, was built in 1899. Laverton was then the […]
Cornelius LYHANE – grave tales
W.A. Record 2 September 1905, page 11 Obituary. DEATH OF DR. LYHANE. The Irishmen— indeed the public generally — of Western Australia, will learn with profound regret of the death of Dr. Cornelius Lyhane, one of. the youngest, the most earnest, and the most talented of Ireland’s sons in all Australia. The late Dr Lyhane […]