This is a fascinating short film on the ‘Tea And Sugar Train’ made by the Commonwealth Film Unit 1954. Once a week the Tea and Sugar Train leaves Port Augusta and heads west along the Nullarbor with all the supplies needed by the track maintenance workers and their families that live along the route. Everything […]
How it was in 1893:
Men were certainly tough in the early days How it was… by Gungare of Mt Lawley In November 1893, Hannan’s leases were opening up. My mate and I were working on a shaft 30 feet deep when he called out for me to wind him up as he could not climb the ladder way. When […]
The Legend of Hell Fire Jack
There was the time that the brokers were negotiating for the purchase of Merton’s Reward Goldmine in 1902 arrived at Menzies by horse drawn buggy at 8pm after the train for Kalgoorlie had left. It was essential for them to reach Kalgoorlie before midnight when the option on the lease would expire. So a privately […]
Almost Killed with Kindness!!
From the Western Argus Newspaper 24th January 1905 Coolgardie Jan 17th Sydney CONDER who was admitted to the Coolgardie Hospital last Thursday suffering from snakebite is in a serious condition. Condor saw a rabbit enter a burrow and thrust his arm in and was bitten on the hand. His ‘mates’ scarified the bite to such […]