When Temperance Issues Raged

When Temperance Issues Raged: Scottish Masonic Lodge Mossgiel No. 902 S.C. was there to help fight the battle. Temperance is described as abstinence from consuming alcohol: Without wanting to moralise in any way, there is no doubt that alcohol has, does, and will continue to contribute to human misery through the coming years.  Countless societal […]

The Oversight by N. E. GLEDHILL

This wonderful story has been sent in by Allen Gledhill. The story was written by his Great Uncle Norman Eric Gledhill. Thank you for sharing it with us Allen. The Oversight By Norman Eric GLEDHILL HUXLEY had had plenty of time to think it over. Three months in a ten by ten cell gives a […]

Brandon’s Fate –

Sun Kalgoorlie Sunday 16 March 1902 Brandon’s fate A TALE OF DARLOT by Pharisee. The eager, excited crowd which thronged the long dry stage to the Darlot diggings in the first blush of the new discovery, included Dick Brandon and his mate, Jimmy Spiggot. That dreary and water-less track skirting the edge of desolate Lake […]

Born of Grief and Despair:

On the 23rd of September 1903 in Gwalia Street, Leonora Western Australia an event would take place that would start a string of family tragedies. The event was the death of a little girl, Eileen Margaret Doyle. She died of Tonisilitis and Bronchitis and was only 2 ½yrs old. She had only been ill only […]

Did she fall or was she pushed??

The British Arms Hotel in Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie was built in 1899 and operated as a hotel until it was delicenced in 1924. It is reputed to be the narrowest two-story hotel in the southern hemisphere measuring only 3.2 meters in width. Although small in size, the hotel did a brisk trade in the early […]