Sunday Times – 22 September 1940, page 10 The Prospector Who Dug His Own Grave The story of Franz Horneg (AKA Franz ERDMAN), a German and Anthon Johansen, called ‘The Swede’ (but was Norwegian), is a true story, yet if it had occurred to a fiction writer, the author would have probably rejected it as […]
50 Years With The Pan –
Daily News Perth 4 March 1930, page 6 50 YEARS WITH THE PAN Last Saw Perth in1891 Blind, with his health failing and with little of this world’s goods left, one of Western Australia’s oldest prospectors boarded the train at Wiluna yesterday to make the 700 mile trip to Perth. It was Mr. Harry Jacobsen, […]
Mother Dead Finish:
Not all of our intrepid pioneers were men, some very courageous and formidable women also made history in the Australian Outback. This is the story of one such lady: THE KIMBERLEY GOLD RUSH by C E. Flinders Colourful Characters Amongst the remarkable people who joined in the Kimberley rush was Mrs. O’Neil, otherwise known as […]
The Heat Wave – a verse
The Heat Wave When the earth was parched and the sky aflame When the old year slept beyond praise or blame In an evil moment a heatwave came Some dropped the pen and some dropped the pick Some were dying, and some more were sick And sunstroke cases came fast and thick Creation dropped in […]
Mr Schumann – a man of enterprise
Margaret Hartley’s ancestors had a long and varied history in the Murchison district of Western Australia. She has very kindly sent me the following photographs and details of her Schumann family. The Schumann family outside their house at Day Dawn about 1907 GULLEWA GOLDFIELD The WA Record 27th Feb1897