Doubly Deserted by Val Jameson

Western Mail 25 December 1905, page 10 Doubly Deserted by Val Jameson Up in the heavens, a westering sun cast oblique rays, still fiercely hot, on the parched bush that stretched its shrivelled growth as far as the eye could see from the prospectors’ camp. Nearby, a windlass under a roof of boughs stood on […]

She Lost Her Husband by a Whisker

Truth 13 June 1926, page 8 SHE LOSES A HUSBAND BY A WHISKER Margaret Cramer’s Courtship Bristled with Difficulties JURY AWARDS HER £250 It was at a dance in Tenindewa, a place about fifty miles from Geraldton, WA, in 1921, that Margaret Cramer first met Charles Meadowcroft. Margaret was employed by Mrs Troy, of Indarra, […]

Diggers Justice – by John Marshall

Diggers Justice. In 1894, near Kalgoorlie, a miner named Winter cheated his mate Bull of £80 worth of gold. The chief witness against Winter was a man named Ruse, who told Bull of Winter’s perfidy. This is a true account of the ‘roll up’ which ensued. Winter at first denied having found or sent away […]

Old Jim ‘The Hatter’s’ Christmas Party –

Old Jim ‘the Hatter” lay in bed half asleep. At least he reckoned himself half asleep, although he knew well enough that it was Christmas morning and time to get up. But he had dreamt such a wonderful dream and the illusion, the charm of it, so persisted that he hated to open his eyes. […]

The Binduli Blood House –

The Binduli Bloodhouse – The following article appeared in ‘The Sun’ newspaper on the 28th October 1906. The sentiments and derogatory comments about foreigners and women were common at the time. THE BINDULI BLOODHOUSE. BARTOLO MORATTI’S PUB CLAIMS TO THE ATTENTION OF POLICE Disreputable Boozing Den— For Dissipated Dagos.— No Attractions for Picnickers.— Closure Badly […]