Boney Brims Contract –

Sunday Times: 22 December 1907 OLD “Boney Brim” and his old mate Jolly, walked deliberately into the bar of The Miners’ Arms, at Cue, and each drank a pint of beer. The contract for sinking the main shaft of the Old Warden mine another hundred feet had just been let, and the two mates had […]

The Story of a Daring Coward –

Sunday Times Perth 31 January 1909, page 1 You have heard of Jim Connolly! He was a great bushman and a line prospector and could fire two revolvers at once. The left hand was as deadly as the right, and either was certain death if Jim had any interest in mitigating your existence. He was […]

The Gate of Golden Hope

by John K Ewers  –  Western Mail Perth 25 December 1928, page 76 Micky O’Driscoll, or “Micky the ‘Micky the Priest,” as he was known, humped his bluey disconsolately through the scrubby jam-tree thicket. Behind him some ten miles lay the town . . . . Hell’s blessings on it! . . . where he […]

Armless Abraham

I am sure many of you will recognise this iconic photograph of an armless man called ‘Armless Abraham’ collecting wood with his goat cart. I have just been contacted by the Great Granddaughter of Thomas Abraham and this is what she tells me:- HISTORY OF THOMAS ABRAHAM From Lynne McMeekan – Thomas Abraham was my […]

A Challenging Land – by Ray Jackson

Here we have another ‘Bush Verse’ from the pen of Ray Jackson. You will have enjoyed his last poem, Camooweal Billabong, earlier this year. The following verse was entered in the Aust Bush Poets Assoc awards in Toodyay earlier this year and won 2nd in the Serious Division (novice). A Challenging LandThe raucous cry of […]