“Can I shave you. Mr. Smiler.” ???

From the pen of ‘Smiler Hales’ – Alfred Arthur Greenwood HALES (1860-1936) “You can’t whip a mining camp for novelties”. I was walking along Bayley street the other afternoon, feeling like a poet and looking like a tramp out of luck, when I saw a shingle hanging from a tent, which bore the information that […]

The 1942 Boulder Bombings – By Peter Skehan


Where is Gum Creek ?

While researching details on the burial of a mining death for the Western Australian Virtual Miners Memorial, I came across the cemetery of Gum Creek. This was a new name for me so I looked into it further, I was also able to add another name to my collection of hotel names. The Book ‘West […]

The Priest and the Policeman

The Priest and the Policeman by Peter Conole (WA Police Historian, Retired 2013) with permission from the Police Historical Soc – http://www.policewahistory.org.au/HTML_Pages/Museum.html The above photograph is a fairly well known West Australian image, one which deserves a greater degree of fame. This fine relic of the Gold Rush days has been in the possession of […]

The Murder of Michael Naughton –

The Sun – Kalgoorlie – 22 February 1920 A MURCHISON MYSTERY UNRAVELED BY INSPECTOR MANN By the time Inspector Mann was 10 years, in the C.I.D. he was recognised as one of the ablest detectives in Australia. His only rival In WA was the late Detective Sergeant Kavanagh, but he was in charge of the […]