Kalgoorlie Western Argus -25 December 1900, page 56 HOW THE BLACK CAMEL CAME FOR CLYDE FIREBRACE A Story of the W A Goldfields. by F. Wills Johnson. The man who told me this strange story, Bryce V Fairclough, is one of whom naught but good is spoken, and whose words are of a truth unvarnished. […]
Crimes of Passion in Kanowna
Crimes of passion are not something new, and they happened in the early Goldfields days just as they do today, but the town of Kanowna seems to have had more than its fair share in its short history. The following three stories. Sadly there are no photographs of any of the people in these dramas. […]
Bulong Woodline 1908-1918 by Rod Milne
The following article is reproduced with the kind permission of the author Rod Milne and the Light Railway Research Society of Australia Inc . The article first appeared in the publication, ‘Light Railways’ June 2014. A rare photograph of a loaded wood train posed at Kurramia. Motive power is almost certainly ex WAGR G 127 […]
The Shadow of Death Hotel & Tiger Tail Jerry
There was a man by the name of John Hawes who was a parish priest up to the 1930s in the Yalgoo/Murchison district. In a biography on his life he tells of how, after riding all day, he spent the night at a lonely wild spot with a well called the ‘Shadow of Death’. There […]
Winter -v- Spring a Darlot Divorce
We often think that matrimonial matters didn’t go to court in the early days, but this unusual story shows that things could still be as complicated and acrimonious as you might see today. Leonora Miner 6 August 1927, page 3 Old Age and Youth Wife of 39yrs Sues Husband of 82yrs A woman of […]