That day Mount Margaret was as quiet as a cemetery on a Sunday morning in Melbourne. Andy Flannagan, the ‘Learned Bushman’ and his mates, had reported a strike of alluvial gold 18 miles east, and all the prospectors not on good shows, and had pulled out for the new find, from which Flannagan’s party had […]
Ghastly Shooting in Leonora –
Sunday Times Perth – 20 March 1938, page 12 Two Dead – Leonora Tragedy 67-Year-Old Man Shoots Daughter-In-Law Mrs Stockton, the wife of the officer in charge of the Leonora water supply, was shot by her father-in-law, William ‘Bill’ Stockton, early today. Immediately afterward the 67year-old man walked inside the house and shot himself in […]
Murder at Dead Mans Rocks –
Western Mail 16 December 1937, page 11 The Murder of Phil Mack DEAR Non-Com – I am indebted to an old-timer and friend of South Guildford, Mr. W. E. Routledge, for sending me “The Western Mail”, and I always read with interest the Dolly Pot. One sees some glaring inaccuracies of early-day events, but this […]
Henry Reison – a prospectors terrible fate
Golden Age 24 March 1897, page 2 PERISHED FROM THIRST A PROSPECTOR’S TERRIBLE FATE Away in the remote interior of WA, Inspector McKenna received a wire from the police at Niagara, stating that the skeleton of a man had been discovered 200 miles northeast of Niagara. The remains are supposed to be those of Henry […]
Tommy Talbot – a story by Harry Ware
Albert Jesse ‘Tommy’ Talbot was born on a farm in Holcombe-Rogus, Hawkworthy in Devonshire in England on March the 9th, 1869. His eldest son and eldest daughter were also born on March the 9th, an unusual coincidence. Talbot came to WA in 1887. In 1891 he was working for a farmer at Northam and from […]