As some of you may be aware, the ‘Grand Hotel’ has been a popular name for Hotels everywhere, and many towns would have their own ‘Grand Hotel’. Here are just a few from the WA Goldfields: Let me know if I have missed any (:
The Eyes Behind the Lens –
I think that Photographers are the people who have the least photographs of themselves. Mainly of course, because they are usually on the ‘other’ end of the lens. When I do happen to come across a photographers photo, I always take note. For example, the photo you will see below of Newman HALL. He was […]
The Ghosts of Red Flag Well
Sophie Chapman died at the Ajax GM lease at Red Flag on the Mt Margaret Goldfields. 12 miles south west of Laverton and 2 miles from the Hawks Nest Rail Siding. Buried alongside Alexander McDONALD (age 27) 100 meters ESE of the old Red Flag Well. Sophie Chapman and Alexander McDonald were killed by the […]
John Fitzpatrick – Plumber and Tinsmith.
John Fitzpatrick – Written by Susie de Monchaux John “Fitz” Fitzpatrick ran a plumbing and ironwork business on the corner of Ford and Sylvester Street, Coolgardie from 1896 to 1900. Family legend tells that John Fitzpatrick was born in South Australia in 1861, however, it was in Western Australia where he made his life. He […]
Diver Hughes – The Hero of Coolgardie
Cecil Albert Francis Herbert ‘Frank’ HUGHES was born on 11th Nov 1861 in Wrexham, North Wales, and educated at Ruabon Grammar School, he was the eldest son of Thomas Edward HUGHES and Mary THOMAS. Frank showed early on that he was of a roving and adventurous disposition. To satisfy his strong desire to go to […]