Paynesville – ghost town

Paynesville is located  77 km east of Mount Magnet, Western Australia Gold was discovered in this area in early 1898 by Tom Payne and Arthur Waldeck, and by April 1898 the place had been inspected by a surveyor and a plan of subdivision prepared. It was at first referred to as ‘Paynton’, and ‘East Mount […]

Five Little Graves -grave tales

It is of the most humbling experiences  to read through the Boulder Cemetery death register. The stark reality of life on the Goldfields in the later years of the 19th century and the early years of the 20th, is reflected in the names, death details and monumental inscriptions of those who lived and died here. […]

Red Flannel Joe- pioneer profile

He is know as ‘Red Flannel Joe’ throughout the district. He is old and somewhat pompous and lives in a tin hut in what was once the main street of this little nor west town of Peak Hill. Its almost deserted now, and Joe’s structure is the only one on that side. In the summer […]

The Schmidt Family of St Albans

The infomation in the following stories was kindly supplied by Gary Cowans, and is re produced with his permission. In 1876 at the age of 19, Gustave Schmidt moved from Victoria where he was born to NSW and purchased land 8 miles SW of Moulamein. He married Emma Rebecca BICKFORD in 1884 and his first […]

Auralia ‘A Brave New Colony’

“Auralia” and the goldfields separation movement A map printed in 1900, to accompany a petition to Queen Victoria, showing the boundaries of the proposed “Colony of ‘Auralia’. Auralia The move to separate the Western Australian goldfields from the colony of Western Australia, resulted in a petition which contained the signatures of more than 28,000 residents. […]