Margaret Hartley’s ancestors had a long and varied history in the Murchison district of Western Australia. She has very kindly sent me the following photographs and details of her Schumann family. The Schumann family outside their house at Day Dawn about 1907 GULLEWA GOLDFIELD The WA Record 27th Feb1897
A Woodline Childhood by Ron Matthews
From the late 1890s until the early 1950s because all heavy machinery was steam-driven, vast quantities of wood were required to fuel the boilers, coal was too expensive. Consequently, Wood Lines were born. The last surviving company was “The Western Australian Goldfields Firewood Supply Limited” which ceased operations in 1964. From early 1946 until the […]
Woodarra – now your but a memory blurred !
The town of Woodarra was surveyed and gazetted on January 14, 1898. It was also known as Darlot, Lake Darlot, or Ballangarry, all names were used at different times. It was located between Laverton and Leinster. Woodarra is the name given by the local Aboriginals to a line of Granite rocks from which a supply […]
Bulong – The I.O.U – ghost town
Bulong Latitude 30° 43′ Longitude 121° 59′ A goldfields town about 34 kilometers east of Kalgoorlie, Bulong was gazetted in 1895. After the discovery of gold in this vicinity the area became known as “I.O.U” which was the name of a mine or a gold-mining lease. In October 1894 surveyor G.C.Hamilton was instructed to lay […]
Maninga Marley – ghost town
The outback mining centre of Maninga Marley is situated some 620 miles northeast of Perth on the Dandaraga Station near Sandstone. The Maninga Marley Gold Mine, from which the place takes its name, was found by prospectors Ernest Alfred Arundel and Matthew Dwyer. The claim was registered by Arundel. Gold was discovered in the area […]