The following story was written by Fr Ted Doncaster and is an extract from the publication “The Cross in the Field, a history of the Anglican Church in the Eastern and Murchison Goldfields of Western Australia”. It is produced with his permission and I would like to thank him for his assistance and his continued […]
Edith Bowe – a colourful life
The following story was sent to me by an OFH reader Jean Bearda about her Grandmother, Edith Annie Bowe, who was born on 26th March 1891 in Sydney, Australia and died on 15th October 1972 in Melbourne, Australia. She has very kindly sent me the following brief history and some wonderful photographs taken in Kalgoorlie/Boulder […]
The Union Brewery Man – the Kaye family
In 1996, (yes, I really do keep my mail from that long ago ♥), I was in correspondence (by mail of course), with a lady called Helen Saunders from Figtree in NSW. She was asking if I could look into her Grandparent’s time in Kalgoorlie to see what I could find about them. She very […]
Crimes of Passion in Kanowna
Crimes of passion are not something new, and they happened in the early Goldfields days just as they do today, but the town of Kanowna seems to have had more than its fair share in its short history. The following three stories. Sadly there are no photographs of any of the people in these dramas. […]
Bulong Woodline 1908-1918 by Rod Milne
The following article is reproduced with the kind permission of the author Rod Milne and the Light Railway Research Society of Australia Inc . The article first appeared in the publication, ‘Light Railways’ June 2014. A rare photograph of a loaded wood train posed at Kurramia. Motive power is almost certainly ex WAGR G 127 […]