Johnson & Co

Coolgardie Mining Review 13 June 1896, page 5 Johnson and Co. by Smilers Hales and  Jack Drayton. Kurnalpi. was in ablaze in the most intense excitement, men of every breed and brand were knocking up gold by dry blowing — all except Johnson. His luck was down below par, and his tucker bag and his […]

Wally Davis – a life well lived

The following is an extract of an oral history interview in 2013 with Walter Davis by Dr. Criena Fitzgerald for the ‘History of the Slav/Italian Community in Kalgoorlie/Boulder’ book project – For a better Life. My name is Walter (Wally) Dominic Davis and I was born on the 3rd April 1921 in Perth. My mum […]

Old Mulgabbie – over the plates

Western Mail 23 January 1941, page 9 – Dolly Pot Old Mulgabbie About 130 kilometres north-east of Kalgoorlie, along the Kurnalpi-Pinjin Road. In the year of 1898 or thereabouts following closely on the opening of the Kanowna Deep Leads, I struck the track from Norseman to Coolgardie accompanied by a mate. We had light hearts, […]

Goongarrie Cemetery – they paid the price of the golden game

The Goongarrie (AKA Goongarri) area was first prospected, before Hannans was discovered, by Pickersgill, Frost and Cahill in 1893.  It was first known as ‘The Roaring Gimlet’ and afterwards, when it was at its most prosperous, The Ninety-Mile. If you have ever driven up to Menzies, I am sure you will have seen the two […]

When East Meets West by N E Gledhill

Another ‘Ripping Yarn’ from the pen of N E Gledhill, kindly shared by his Great Nephew Allen Gledhill with thanks: When East Meets West (By N.  E.  Gledhill) You wonder how he came to be there; but I’ll tell you. There are brave men in this world who will face anything but themselves. Rio, Danilova, […]