Edwards Royal Hotel – Coolgardie Lot 31, Cnr Ford and Bayley Streets, Coolgardie Rudy Krakouver’s Hotel was the first two story hotel in Coolgardie and opened for business in June 1895. Later the Edwards family took over the hotel and claimed the hotel offered ‘Superior accommodation and attractive waiters’. The catering at the Royal was […]
The Metropolitan Hotel – Coolgardie hotels 8
The Metropolitan Hotel Coolgardie: When Pat Kennedy and his wife vacated the site on the north-eastern corner of Bayley and Fords streets in 1894, Fred Brewer erected a hotel two years later which was called The Metropolitan. The hotel had two frontages – one on Bayley Street and the other in Ford Street, with he […]
Kennedy’s Family Hotel – Coolgardie hotels 7
Kennedy’s Family Hotel and Cafe stood on the corner of Bayley and Ford Streets, Coolgardie. It was originally built in 1893, when this wooden structure burnt down a new two story hotel was built. This photograph shows the original building in 1893. The Royal Hotel is next door then there is Counsel’s Store. The hotel […]
The Globe Hotel – Coolgardie hotels 2
The Globe Hotel was situated between Ford and Hunt Streets Coolgardie. There is no known photograph of the building which has survived. W M Faahan was the first owner and claimed it to be the first hotel in Coolgardie. In 1895 it was known as, Alec Caro’s Wine and Beer Saloon, three months later, when […]
The Exchange Hotel – Coolgardie Hotels 6
When Evon Wisdom was granted one of the four Wayside Licences in April 1893, he erected a hessian building on the corner of what later became the junction of Bayley and Ford Streets, which he called the Exchange Hotel. The Exchange was the venue for the first meeting of the newly elected Coolgardie Corporation […]