The Fields Find Tragedy-

The worst accident ever to happen on the Yalgoo Goldfields at Fields Find was on the 31st Aug 1899. On this date there were four men working in the No 1 shaft of the Fields Find GM. They were Daniel HOGAN (22), William PAYNE (38), Frederick Robert SMITH (27), and Edward Era KING (30). The […]

Anastasia (Annie) Williams – grave tales

On the 7th October 1916, there occurred the death of Anastasia (Annie) Mary WILLIAMS of 3 Bourke Street, Kalgoorlie. She was age 42yrs and was born in Killkenny Ireland in 1864. Her husband was Abraham Williams and she had five children, James, Dannie, Gordon, Cassie and May (May married Mr E Morgan EVANS of Gwalia […]

Goongarrie Cemetery: –

Goongarrie Cemetery:-  GPS Latitude & Longitude 30o 03″.03s 121o 09″.33e Link to the Outback Family History Page for Goongarrie. BROUGH Emma Elizabeth, d 9 Nov 1896, Gill Street, Goongarrie, Housewife 27yrs, Caude:- Dysentry, Father:- Jabez RAWLINGS (Baker) Mother:- Sarah GREEN, Born:- Broadford VIC, In VIC 27yrs, In WA 2 months, Married to George BROUGH in Essendon […]

Called Home to Jesus – grave tales

On the 6th November 1911 little Dorothea Ruby Olive WRAIGH, age 9yrs, passed away in the Infectious Disease Hospital in Kalgoorlie. Exactly a week later her little brother Alwyn George WRAIGHT, aged 7mth, also died. They are buried together in the Boulder Cemetery. Dorothea was born in Coolgardie on the 20th Nov 1902 to George […]

Eh! but she was a good girl – grave tales

It is a far cry from Coolgardie to Corbie in the Somme Valley in France. Still, in 1916, a Salvation Army Chaplin, Benjamin Orames, who as a boy had been on the Goldfields of Coolgardie, found himself in Corbie seeking the town mayor who he located in a dugout. While shells blasted the historic building […]