That day Mount Margaret was as quiet as a cemetery on a Sunday morning in Melbourne. Andy Flannagan, the ‘Learned Bushman’ and his mates, had reported a strike of alluvial gold 18 miles east, and all the prospectors not on good shows, and had pulled out for the new find, from which Flannagan’s party had […]
Rothsay Cemetery – nature took what nature gave
Rothsay Cemetery – Perenjori Shire off Boonerong Road, Rothsay, Western Australia Coordinates – 29.29060, 116.88470 Reserve 6295 Rothsay is an abandoned town in the Mid-West region of Western Australia. It is situated between the towns of Dalwallinu and Mount Magnet and 78 kms from Paynes Find. A prospector named George Woodley discovered gold in the area in 1894 and initially […]
Jack Tulloch – a tragic fatality at Lake Way
Geraldton Express and Murchison and Yalgoo Goldfields Chronicle 22 January 1897, page 9 A TRAGIC FATALITY AT LAKE WAY The sad news is just to hand from Lake Way that Jack Tulloch, the well-known and respected partner in Tulloch Willis and Co’s butchery business at Cue, Day Dawn and Leonora, has perished near Lake Way […]
Sir Samuel Cemetery – ”are we remembered not?”
Sir Samuel / Mt Sir Samuel Cemetery Yakabindi Station East of Bellevue Mine Camp. 27°36’90”S – 120°32’65”E 31 known burials – Reserve 6405 Tis sad to see these friendless graves And think of those who lie therein Their mute appeal some tribute craves For love which in the past had been. AKBAR Meer AKA Mullang […]
Wiluna Pioneer Cemetery – grave tales
As often happened in the early days, the first site considered for a cemetery ground became unsuitable usually because of things such as proximity to the living areas or water supply or perhaps the ground was too hard to dig. This happened at Wiluna, and after less than five years of use and 20 burials, […]