Bullfinch Cemetery – grave tales

Latitude -30.998333 degrees Longitude -119.093961 degrees
35km north of Southern Cross.

26 Known Burials – 1905-1940

Bullfinch Cemetery Entrance

Bullfinch Cemetery Entrance – Photo Danelle Warnock

CROCKER Albert Munro – d 14 Jun 1913, 24 years, at Golden Valley, Cause: Accidentally shot with own firearm, Father: Richard Henry Munro CROCKER, Mother: Mary Jane GREGSON, Born: Rushworth, Campaspe Shire, Victoria, Reg: 10/1913 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

Southern Cross Times (WA : 1900 - 1920), Saturday 21 June 1913, page 2

Southern Cross Times 21 June 1913, page 2

DUNGEY William John – d 25 Oct 1914, 30 years, Cause: Burned to death when his camp caught fire while he was sleeping, Reg: 26/1914 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

Kalgoorlie Western Argus (WA : 1896 - 1916), Tuesday 3 November 1914, page 25

Kalgoorlie Western Argus 3 November 1914, page 25

FAIRLESS Patricia Roberts – d 2 May 1933, 6 months, Father: Aaron FAIRLESS, Mother: Alice KITCHING, Born: Jul 1932 Westonia WA, Reg: 6/1933 Yilgarn, RC, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

FITTS Charles Alderman – d 18 Jun 1927, 76 years, Married to Annie JACKSON in Melbourne, Victoria on 27th June 1881, Child: Mildred Marion born 1882, Reg: 8/1927 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

Southern Cross Times 9 July 1927, page 6

Southern Cross Times 9 July 1927, page 6

GIBB John – d 1917, 63 years, Reg:15/1917 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

HARRISON Lawrence – d 28 May 1916, 39 years, Father: William Emanuel HARRISON, Mother: Margaret ROSS, Born: Collingwood, Yarra City, Victoria, Reg: 10/1916 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

HARROD George – d Dec 1923, 50 years, Occ: Sandalwood Cutter, Cause: Found dead in the bush, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Saturday 30 December 1922, page 7

West Australian 30 December 1922, page 7

HOWARD William – d 1911, 53 years, 6 Mile between Southern Cross and Bullfinch, Father: Andrew HOWARD, Mother: Susan, Reg: 13/1911 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

JAEGER Adolphus John – d 24 May 1911, 35 years, Cause: Pleurisy, Father: Father: Christoph Heinrich Adolf JAEGER, Mother: Mary HOGAN, Born: Mount Gambier, South Australia, Reg: Yilgarn 22/11, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

KNIGHT Elsie B – d 25 Mar 1905, 11 years, Grave 1  buried Bullfinch Cemetery. (First Burial),

KRIPPS George – d 13 Aug 1913, 53 years, at Bullfinch, Occ: Repairer and Rigger, Reg: 14/1913 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

Kalgoorlie Western Argus (WA : 1896 - 1916), Tuesday 19 August 1913, page 28

Kalgoorlie Western Argus 19 August 1913, page 28

LUKE unnamed male – d 1940, Cause: Stillborn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery. (Last Burial)

LYNCH Timothy Alfred – d 22 May 1911, 33 years, Cause: Pneumonia, Reg: 18/1911 Yilgarn, RC, buried at Bullfinch.

MACFARLANE Gwendoline Elsie – d 26 May 1913, 10 weeks, Father: Robert Patterson MACFARLANE, Mother: Alma HARVEY, Reg: 8/1913 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

MCFADYEN Duncan – d 27 Jan 1911, 54 years, At the Bullfrog Lease, Cause: Fell 14 ft from a ladder, fractured spine, Father: David MCFADYEN, Mother: Catherine MCKAY, Born: 1856 in Magpie, Ballarat, Victoria, Married to Annie WILLIAMS in Norseman WA in 1901, Children: Richard Kay born 1903 – Catherine Grace born 1905 – David James born 1907, Reg: 5/1911 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery. Mine Death – www.wavmm.com

Southern Cross Times (WA : 1900 - 1920), Saturday 28 January 1911, page 2

Southern Cross Times 28 January 1911, page 2

MILES Mary Ellen – d 1914, 53 years, Father: Thomas FRAMPTON, Mother: PARSONS, Reg: 23/1914 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

Southern Cross Times (WA : 1900 - 1920), Saturday 7 November 1914, page 2

Southern Cross Times 7 November 1914, page 2


MUTZIG Lawrence – d 28 Dec 1918, 47 years, Father: Charles MUTZIG, Mother: Elizabeth JOHNSTONE, Married to Emeline Matilda GOODWIN in Victoria in 1903, Born: Stawell, Victoria, Reg 3/1919 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

O’DONOHOE Joseph Patrick – d 1920, 43 years, Father: Patrick O’DONOHOE, Mother: Catherine, Born: Adelaide South Australia, Reg: 14/1920 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

PEARCE William Robert – b 27 Feb 1916, 58 years, at Bullfinch, Cause: Fatty degeneration of heart, Father: Charles Edmund PEARCE, Mother: Hannah ROOK, Born: Tarrangower, Maldon, Victoria, Married twice: 1st to Mary Jane GRAHAM in 1879 at Moliagul, Victoria, 2nd to Jane MOYLE in 1899 at North Fitzroy. Victoria, Reg: 7/1916 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

Southern Cross Times (WA : 1900 - 1920), Saturday 4 March 1916, page 2

Southern Cross Times 4 March 1916, page 2

William R PEARCE - Photo Ancestry.com

William R PEARCE – Photo Ancestry.com

PERRY unnamed male – b 1913, Cause: Stillborn, Father: Harold Joseph PERRY, Mother: Muriel GLENN Reg 16/1913 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

RIGBY Ernest Horatio ‘Dr’ – d 23 Jun 1914, 42 years, at Bullfinch, Father: George Dunn RIGBY, Mother: France Marie ENGLISH, Cause: Pneumonia, Born: Kyneton, Victoria, Married to Maude RAYBOULD, Children: Owen born 1912, Mary Maud born 1912, Mary Francis born 1913, Reg 11/1914 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

Daily News 23 May 1914, page 2

Daily News 23 May 1914, page 2

ROBERTS Frederick – d 4 Oct 1913, 35 years, at the Bullfinch Proprietary Mine, Occ: Platman, Cause: Caught in descending cage, neck broken, Reg 21/1913 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery. Mine Death – www.wavmm.com

Southern Cross Times  8 October 1913, page 2


The second fatal accident on the Bulfinch Proprietary was recorded on Saturday morning when F Roberts, aged 35, met his death under painful circumstances. On thc morning of the accident, Roberts, who is a foreigner, was working his first shift as a platman, having taken the place of the man formerly employed in that capacity and who had gone to the Eastern Goldfields. The accident occurred when the unfortunate man was about to go from the second to the first level, and after ringing the cage away did not get into it before it commenced to move upwards, with the result that he was caught on the plat.

His neck was broken as the result of the impact, and death must have been instantaneous. An inquest was subsequently opened before Mr. F. J. Mann -JP., and a jury consisting of Messrs. McIntyre, Trott and Bowman. Mr. JR. Waltham appeared, on behalf of the Federated Miners’ Union. After formal evidence had been taken and the scene of the accident visited by the jury, further proceedings were adjourned until Monday, October 13th.The deceased was a single man and had been working amongst the various goldfields for a number of years. 

SCHMIDT/SMITH Elizabeth Susan – d 22 Jul 1917, 83 Years, Daughter of George and Susan SMITH, Born: London, England in c 1834, Married to Andreas Georg KULENKAMP in Heidelberg in 1854, Reg: 13/17 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

Elizabeth SCHMIDT - Photo Ancestry.com

Elizabeth SCHMIDT – Photo Ancestry.com – Gary Cowans

Elizabeth Schmidt - Bullfinch Cemetery - Photo Find a Grave

Elizabeth Schmidt – Bullfinch Cemetery – Photo Find a Grave

STEVENSON Francis Douglas ‘Frank’- 28 Apr 1911, 38 years, at Bullfinch, Cause: Consumption, Reg: 12/1911 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Saturday 6 May 1911, page 33

Western Mail 6 May 1911, page 33

SWIRES John – d 20 Nov 1911, 46 years, at Bullfinch, Cause: Suicide using dynamite, Reg: 31/1911 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

VERONA Samuele – d 20 Sep 1915, 32 years, at Bullfinch, Occ: Woodcutter, Cause; Heart Disease, Father: Bartilo VERONA, Mother: Gadia GUGLIA, Reg 15/1915 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

Kalgoorlie Western Argus (WA : 1896 - 1916), Tuesday 21 September 1915, page 42

S VERONA – Kalgoorlie Western Argus 21 September 1915, page 42

WELLS George – d 1915, 36 hours, at Bullfinch, Father: George Leonard WELLS, Mother: HEAL, Reg: 4/1915 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

WHITE George – d 3 Jun 1929, 29 years, Northeast of Bullfinch, Father: George WHITE, Mother: Elizabeth DAVIS, Reg 11/29 Yilgarn, buried Bullfinch Cemetery.

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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