I have just completed entering the biographies on the people who are buried in the Broad Arrow Cemetery. Every cemetery provides a social and family history snapshot of the town where its located. Accident and disease show no favorites. I hope that this small section of deaths will provide a good example to compare to other towns in the Goldfields. This first section starts in 1897 and goes to early 1917, however I have a gap in my records from 1905-1906 so there may be some omissions in these years.
This snapshot is about the children. Im sure that you will all know that the child mortality rate in the early Goldfields days was very high, mainly due to lack of medical care both pre and post birth for mothers and babies and the heat and lack of clean water. There are also childhood diseases such a whooping Cough, Diphtheria, Teething, Meningitis and gastro conditions which took their toll.
This particular section looks at a total of 181 burials, 54 of these are children under 5yrs and most are under 1yr. I am listing all of them here for the reason that it also shows the parents here in this time and place. Hopefully they can then be found by any family who are searching.
ALLEN Alexander, d 28 Jun 1901, Hill End Lease, Broad Arrow, Infant 18hrs, Cause:- Inanition, Father:- Joseph ALLEN (Gold Sampler) Mother:- Susan HARRIS, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery
BARRATT Charles William Reginald – d 24 Aug 1921, 6yrs, on route to Kalgoorlie Hospital on the train from Broad Arrow, Cause: Measles, Father: Charles Albert Barratt, Mother: Emma Plant, Born Broad Arrow, WA, Reg 161/1921 East Coolgardie (Kalgoorlie), Buried in the Broad Arrow Cemetery.
BENSBERG Sydney Charles Louis, d 28 Mar 1902 at the Dark Horse Mine near Broad Arrow, Infant, Age 1yr 3mths, Illegitimate child of Clementine Bensberg Cause: – Gastro Enteritis, Dentition difficulty, Diarrhoea, Convulsions. No Fathers particulars. Mother: – Clemantine Marie Adelaide Bernadine GIANGIACOMO, Born Broad Arrow. Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
BERTHOLD Unnamed female, d 6 Aug 1902, Infant, Broad Arrow, Cause:- Stillborn, Father:- Emil Paul BERTHOLD (Stationer and Commission Agent) Mother:- Emma Tryphena BAYNES, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
BLAIR George Scott, d 17 Dec 1898, Broad Arrow, Infant 9mths, Cause:- Dysentery, Father:- John Innes BLAIR (Baker), Mother:- Seline Beat MOYES, Born:- Sydney NSW, In NSW 6mths, In WA 3 mths, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
BOYES James Ernest, d 10 Jul 1905, Infant 1 ½ yrs, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
CUSACK Eileen Whilma Patrice, d 25 Nov 1904. McDonald St, Broad Arrow, Infant 1yr 8mth, Cause:- Teething, Inflamation of lungs, Father:- Patrick Edward CUSACK (Police Constable), Mother:- Mary Elizabeth MAYS, Born Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
DANCE John Anderson, d 23 Oct 1900, Broad Arrow, Infant 1yr 18mths, Cause:- Enteritis and Meningitis, Father:- John Edmund DANCE (Stone Mason) Mother:- Jane Anderson MCKENZIE, Born:- Paddington WA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
DAVERN Margaret Anne, d 7 Feb 1902, McDonald Street, Broad Arrow, Infant 11mths, Cause:- Exhaustion and Marasmus, Father:- James Jeremiah DAVERN (Miner), Mother:- Elizabeth Jane WRIGHT, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
DON Stanley Malcolm, d 5 Sep 1902, McDonald Street, Broad Arrow, Infant 8 weeks, Cause:- Bronchitis and Convulsions, Father:- James Sutherland DON (Miner) Mother:- Isabella SILVEY, Born Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
DONOVAN Eva Ann, d 25 Mar 1898, at Paddington, Infant 7 weeks, Cause:- Diarrhoea, Exhaustion, Father:- John DONOVAN (Miner) Elizabeth Ann BROOKS, Born Paddington, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
DOWNING Kennith Charles, d 10 May 1907, Broad Arrow, Infant 5 days, Cause:- Intestinal Obstruction, Father:- Francis George DOWNING (Storeman) Mother:- Elizabeth Maud Mary TREVENA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
DUGGAN James Joseph, d 23 Nov 1898 at Paddington, Illegitimate Infant 3 months, Cause:- Marasmus, Mother Sarah DUGGAN, Born Paddington WA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
ERICKSON Jessie, d 4 Dec 1909, Brazier Street, Broad Arrow, Infant 3mths 24days, Cause:- Teething, Father:- John ERICKSON (Miner) Mother:- Christina MELVILLE, Born Broad Arrow WA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
HANSEN Charles Randolph, d 24 Sep 1901, McDonald St, Broad Arrow, Infant 20days, Cause:- Premature birth, Father:- Rasmus HANSEN (Miner) Mother:- Katherine LYNCH, Born Broad Arrow WA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
HANSEN Doris Catherine, d 25 Aug 1902, Clelland St, Broad Arrow, Infant 3 days, Cause:- Premature Birth, Father:- Ramus HANSEN (Greengrocer) Mother:- Katherine LYNCH, Buried in Broad Arrow
HATTLEY Charles, d 6 Feb 1901, Broad Arrow, Infant 2 days, Cause:- Convulsions caused by excessive heat. Father:- Arthur HATTLEY (Blacksmith) Mother:- Mary Jane TAYLOR, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
HATTON Charles Thomas, d 27 Jul 1900, McDonald Street, Broad Arrow, Infant 10 weeks, Cause:- Aethereal, Father:- Thomas HATTON (Butcher), Mother:- Ann Gladys WRIGHT, Born Broad Arrow WA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
HOFFMAN Alfred Thomas, d 18 Jun 1899, Paddington, Infant 2yrs, Cause:- Catarrh and Laryngitis, Father:- George HOFFMAN (Miner), Mother Mary Ellen EATON, Born Broad Arrow WA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
HUGGINS Kathleen Elizabeth, d 3 Jun 1905, Infant 4 ½ mths, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery
HUGHES Annie Cecely, d 4 Mar 1905, 35yrs.
HUNTER Charles, d 3 Mar 1900, Railway Venture GM Lease, Infant 17hrs, Cause:- Premature Birth, Father:- Charles HUNTER (Miner) Mother:- Elizabeth Anne SCRUBY, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery
KELLY May, d 1 Dec 1898, Broad Arrow, Infant 18mths, Cause:- Gastro Enteritis, Father:- Patrick William KELLY (Miner) Mother:- Elizabeth MAXWELL, Born:- Melbourne VIC, 4 mths in VIC, 14mths in WA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
LAWRENCE Violet, 24 May 1903, Broad Arrow Hospital, Infant 4 mths, Cause:- Acute Gastritis, Father:- Aubrey Malcolm LAWRENCE (Labourer) Mother:- Martha PARKER, Born:- Binduli Near Kalgoorlie, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery,
LEWIS Lily Elizabeth, d 12 May 1899, Broad Arrow, Infant 29days, Cause:- Convulsions, Father:- Thomas LEWIS (Labourer) Mother:- Lily Edith Blanche Mary GIBBONS, Born Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
McCONKEY William, d 9 Dec 1898, Broad Arrow, Infant 2yrs, Cause:- Measles, Father:- Robert McCONKEY (Engine Driver) Mother:- Rebecca McGARRY, Born:- Charters Towers QLD, 2yrs in QLD, 14 days in WA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
McMAHON John Sarra, d 19 Dec 1903, Paddington, Infant 3mths, Cause:- Marasmus, Father:- Thomas McMAHON (Miner) Mother Charlotte Louisa SARRA, Born Paddington WA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
MOORE John Richard, d 1 Jun 1903, Broad Arrow, Infant 3mths, Cause:- Gastro Enteritis, Father:- Richard Greenslade MOORE (Blacksmith) Mother:- Margaret McINTYRE, Born Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
MORGAN Roy, d 19 Feb 1900, Pakeha Lease, Paddington, Infant 8hrs, Cause:- Premature birth, Father:- George William MORGAN (Miner) Mother:- Pearl Teresa GEORGE, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
NICHOLSON William Gordon, d 15 Mar 1900, Broad Arrow, Infant 1 yr, Cause:- Dysentery, Father:- William Darling NICHOLSON (School Teacher) Mother:- Annie KELLY, Born Fremantle WA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
NORRIS Amy, d 6 Aug 1905, Infant 5 weeks, Father:- William NORRIS, Mother:- Charles PAISFIELD, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
NORTHEY Isabella, d 25 Dec 1898, Broad Arrow, Infant 4 days, Cause:- Convulsions, Father:- David NORTHEY (Cordial Manufacturer) Mother:- Annie Christina CHAMBERS, Born Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
NORTHEY Paul James, d 16 Sep 1902, Hill End Lease Broad Arrow, Infant 4mths, Cause:- Influenza and Bronchitis, Father:- David NORTHEY (Contractor) Mother:- Annie Christina CHAMBERS, Born at Broad Arrow WA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
PABST Maurice Thomas, d 5 May 1899, Bountiful GM, Black Flag, Infant 19 days, Cause:- Premature birth, Father:- Maurice PABST (Engineer), Mother:- Fanny SMITH, Born:- Black Flag, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
PIPPETT Hazel Mary, d 17 May 1918, McDonald Street, Broad Arrow, Infant 1yr 8mths, Cause:- Pneumonia and Meningitis, Father:- Alfred Stephen PIPPETT (Shopman) Mother:- Anne Elizabeth GIBBONS, Born Broad Arrow WA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
RENWICK Hannah Lilian, Hill Street, Broad Arrow, Infant 1 month, Cause:- Congenital Syphilis, Father:- John William RENWICK (Miner) Mother:- Minnie Louisa DWYER, Born:- Kalgoorlie WA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery
RENWICK John, d 7 Dec 1906, Infant 6mths, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery
RHODES Cecil William, d 21 Oct 1897, Broad Arrow, Infant 4 months, Cause:- Bronchitis, Father:- Charles Samuel RHODES, Mother:- Luisa Adelaide HAWKES, Born Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
RULE Hedley Vicars, d 27 May 1910, Merton Street, Broad Arrow, Infant 11 weeks, Cause:- Heart Failure, Father:- Horace Richard RULE (Accountant) Mother:- Juanita Stella WORCESTER, Born Broad Arrow WA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery
SCHMIDT F male, d 23 Sep 1915, Broad Arrow Hospital, Infant Stillborn, Cause:- Eclampsia in mother, Father:- Sydney Alfred SCHMIDT (Carter) Mother:- Laurena Christina RICHARDS, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
SEEBECK John, d 16 Mar 1899, at Broad Arrow, Infant 6hrs, Cause:- Premature birth, Father:- John Valentine SEEBECK (Cordial Manufacturer), Mother:- Mary Anne MACE, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
SIMM Isabella, d 20 Sep 1898, Broad Arrow, Infant 6 mths, Cause:- Convulsions, Father:- Henry SIMM (Miner) Mother:- Jane LACEY, Born:- Bright, England, In WA 4mths, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
SIMM Joseph Lacey, d 30 Oct 1900, at Dixie GM, Broad Arrow, Infant 6mths, Cause:- Enteritis and Diarrhoea, Father:- Henry SIMM (Miner), Mother:- Jane LACEY, Born South Shields England, In WA 4mths, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
SMALPAGE Violet Marion, d 6 Aug 1899, Broad Arrow, Infant 6mths, Cause:- Bronchitis and convulsions, Father:- Maurdaunt Hunter SMALPAGE (Brewer) Mother:- Elizabeth Constance BENNEY, Born Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
SUDHOLZ Beatrice May, d 4 Dec 1909, Hill St, Broad Arrow, Infant 4mths, Cause:- Abscess of brain, Father:- Edward Frederick SUDHOLZ (Butcher) Mother:- May Anne MITCHELL, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
SUDHOLZ Friederich Wilhelm, d 28 May 1905, at Broad Arrow, 31yrs, Born Mt Gambier SA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
SULLIVAN Lawrence Leo, d 9 Dec 1902, Broad Arrow, Infant 2yrs 10mths, Cause:- Chronic diarrhoea, Convulsions, Father:- Thomas James SULLIVAN (Miner), Johanna Louisa EGAN, Born Broad Arrow WA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
SULLIVAN Thomas Barry, d 10 Dec 1902, Infant 4yrs 7mths, Cause:- Chronic diarrhoea, Father:- Thomas James SULLIVAN (Miner) Mother:- Johanna Louisa EGAN, Born Coolgardie WA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
TAYLOR Vina Shelford, d 27 Apr 1905, Infant 1 week, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
THOMAS Alfred Arthur, d 8 May 1905, Infant 18hrs, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery
THOMAS Robert, d 15 Jan 1906, Infant 5hrs, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
THOMETT William Richard, d 15 Apr 1901, Broad Arrow, Infant 9mths, Cause:- Dentition, Father:- Edward Thomas THOMETT (Miner) Mother:- Elizabeth WHITE, Born Paddington WA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
THORNETT William Richard, d 15 Apr 1901. Broad Arrow, Infant 9mths, Cause:- Dentition, Father:- Edward Thomas THORNETT (Miner) Mother:- Elizabeth WHITE, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
TRAVIS Stephen Charles, d 27 Nov 1902, Hill Street, Broad Arrow, Infant 4 months, The illegitimate child of Edith TRAVIS, Cause:- Dysentery, Inflammation of bowels, Exhaustion, Mother Edith TRAVIS, Born Broad Arrow WA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
TURNER Unnamed Female, d 23 Aug 1898, Broad Arrow, Infant 55 hrs, Cause:- Obstruction of the bowels, Father:- Robert TURNER (Miner) Mother:- Annie SELUGAM, Born:- Broad Arrow,
WATSON John, d 16 Feb 1902, Residence Area, Broad Arrow, Infant 3mths, Cause:- Athrepsia/Exhaustion, Father:- Thomas WATSON (Carpenter) Mother:- Minnie RANDLE, Born Broad Arrow WA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery
WOODS Ewen Morritt, d 28 Jul 1898 at Paddington, Infant 3 mths, Cause:- Inflammation of the bowels, Father:- James Coates WOODS (Engine Driver) Mother:- Maria Geuenive MORRITT, Born:- Perth WA, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Moya Sharp
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So sad ….
keep up the good work Moya, I enjoy your site. Joanne
Thank you for your work. I may have a relative there and it would be nice to have their little one added to our tree and not forgotten. I’ll let you know, re the Donavan baby.