For some time I have been working on my database of burials at the Broad Arrow Cemetery. My final total as of now, is 191 burials with 18 headstones (this is never set in stone and can change if new details come to light).
Every cemetery provides a snapshot of the community at the time, accidents and illness in do not show any favourites. The town is reasonably close to Kalgoorlie (32 kms) and in the early days, there was a regular train service. Some of the residents may have gone to Kalgoorlie to seek medical treatment and died and been buried in the Kalgoorlie or Boulder Cemetery or elsewhere. Others who have died away from the town may have been returned to rest with family members.
This being said, you have to be registered where you die, but you can be buried anywhere (within reason). Broad Arrow only had its own registry office from late 1897 to 1917 so burials before and after this time would have been registered in Kalgoorlie which is the East Coolgardie Registry District or even in Perth.
As always, every cemetery register is a work in progress and I would welcome any additional information about any of these people or any other you may have come across not listed.
Broad Arrow Cemetery – Kurawah – Reserve 3631
1896-1929 = 191 burials
191 burials = 55 infants (under 5), 8 suicides, 11 Mine accidents.
1st Burial – Patrick MANDERVILLE 1896 – Last Burial – Polly Aboriginal woman 1929
1.7 km from main road.(Turn right at sign just past the Broad Arrow Tavern)
30°25’45.4”S – 121°20’14.1”E

Broad Arrow Cemetery Sign
‘In natures ageless plan of time
Nature took what nature gave
Upon this mound, no tears fall
It’s just a stockman’s grave’
ABBOTT Horace Harold Hastings – d 10 Apr 1899, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 28yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Typhoid Fever, Father: Joseph ABBOTT (Miner) Mother: Isabella HOPE, Born: Tarnagulla, VIC, In Vic 22yrs, In WA 6yrs, Single, Reg 10/1899 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Horace ABBOTT – Photo Find a Grave
ALLEN Alexander – d 28 Jun 1901, at the Hill End Lease, Broad Arrow, 18hrs, Cause: Inanition, Father: Joseph ALLEN (Gold Sampler), Mother: Susan HARRIS, Reg 13/1901 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery
ALLEN Annie Amy – d 31 Aug 1913, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 9yrs, Cause: Burns, Father: Thomas Robert ALLEN (Miner), Mother: Margaret Amy BOUNSELL, Born Coolgardie WA, Reg 7/1913 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
ALLEN Jessie Constance – d Apr 1908, 4yrs, Father: Thomas Robert ALLEN, Mother: Mary Amy BOUNSELL, Born: Coolgardie 1904, No registration found, Buried Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Kalgoorlie Miner 25 April 1908, page 4
ANDERSEN Daniel – d 12 Jan 1911, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 56yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Uremia/Nephritis, Reg 1/1911 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
ANDERSON John Henry – d 15 Oct 1899, at Broad Arrow, 27yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Dysentery, Father: Martin ANDERSON, Born: Palmerston, North New Zealand, 4 ½ yrs in WA, Single, Reg 22/1899 Broad Arrow, Reg 22/1899 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
ASHBURY Edward ‘Ned’ – d 4 Nov 1911, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 67 yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Lung disease, Father: John K ASHBURY, Mother: Ellen BROWN, Born: Liverpool, England, In VIC and OLD 32yrs, In WA 17yrs, Single, Reg 6/1910 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Murchison Times and Day Dawn Gazette 23 November 1911, page 4
Old Ned Ashbury, one of the oldest and best known prospectors of the Broad Arrow district, is dead. His remains were laid to rest the other day in Broad Arrow cemetery. For thirty years. ” Old Ned ” followed the diggings of New Zealand and the Eastern States before coming West. He was 70 years old and laid down the pick at last at the command of a paralytic stroke.
ASHBURY Edward The Sun 12 November 1911, page 7
AYRE Ellen – d 5 Jun 1905, 72yrs, Father: Charles JANEWAY, Mother: Harriet COOPER, Married to Joseph AYRE in South Melbourne VIC, Reg 5/1905 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Ellen Ayre – Photo Find a Grave
AYRE Joseph – d 20 Jun 1913, at Merton Street, Broad Arrow, 70yrs, Occ: Blacksmith, Cause: Chronic Cystitis, Father: John AYRE (Blacksmith), Mother: Mary ?, Born: Water Street, London England, In VIC 19yrs, In WA 22yrs, Married to Ellen JANEWAY, RANDALL in South Melbourne VIC at age 49yrs, Children: Joseph Benjamin AYRE 38yrs, 1 female deceased, Reg 1/1913 Broad Arrow, Reg 4/1913 Broad Arrow, METH, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
BARRATT Charles William Reginald – d 24 Aug 1921, 6yrs, on route to Kalgoorlie Hospital on the train from Broad Arrow, Cause: Measles, Father: Charles Albert BARRATT, Mother: Emma PLANT, Born Broad Arrow, WA, Reg 161/1921 East Coolgardie (Kalgoorlie), Buried Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Kalgoorlie Miner 25 August 1921, page 4
BATESON Richard Henry – d 25 May 1899, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 49yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Catarrh and Dysentery, Father: Richard BATESON, Mother: Susannah WAGSTAFF, Born: Hale Cheshire, England, in WA 20yrs, Married at Woods Point, SA, to Hannah Emma HARSLETT in 1873, Children: Richard Liston born 1875, Frederic Westbrook born 1877, Reg16/1899 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Richard H BATESON – Photo
BENSBERG Sydney Charles Louis – d 28 Mar 1902 at the Dark Horse GM near Broad Arrow, 1yr 3mths, Illegitimate child of Clementine Bensberg, Cause: Gastro Enteritis, Dentition difficulty, Diarrhoea, Convulsions, Mother: Clemantine Marie Adelaide Bernadine GIANGIACOMO, Born Broad Arrow. Reg 2/1903 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
BERTHOLD unnamed female – d 6 Aug 1902, at Broad Arrow, Cause: Stillborn, Father: Emil Paul BERTHOLD (Stationer and Commission Agent), Mother: Emma Tryphena BAYNES, Reg 9/1902 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
BINDIL Peter – d 7 May 1917, at the Broad Arrow Railway Station, Aboriginal, Cause: Heart Failure, Reg 4/1917 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
BLACK James – d 27 Mar 1912, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 52 yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Miners Phthisis, Father: Adam BLACK, Mother: Jane LOGAN, Born Glasgow, Scotland, In other states of Australia 23yrs, In WA 16yrs, Single, Reg 4/1912 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
BLAIR George Scott – d 17 Dec 1898, at Broad Arrow, 9 mths, Cause: Dysentery, Father: John Innes BLAIR (Baker), Mother: Seline Beat MOYES, Born: Sydney NSW, In NSW 6mths, In WA 3 mths, Reg 25/1898 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
BLUMFIELD Lillian ‘Lily’ Eliza – d 3 Mar 1900, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 24yrs, Cause: Typhoid Fever, Father: Richard RICKETTS, Mother: Maria HEARNDEN, Born: Burkes Flat, VIC, In WA 4yrs, Married to Joseph Alfred Ernest BLUMFIELD in Fremantle WA, no children, Reg 9/1900 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
BONOMI Jack – d 23 Jan 1912, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 44yrs, Occ: Miner/wood carter, Cause: Perforation of bowel and Peritonitis, Reg 2/1912 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
BOYES James Ernest – d 10 Jul 1905, 1½ yrs, at Broad Arrow, Father: Edward BOYES, Mother: Jane Eleanor ATKINS, Reg 8/1905 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
BUCKLEY Jeremiah – d 23 Nov 1907, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 52yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Accident through fall of earth at his alluvial claim 3 miles from Siberia, 52yrs, Born: Co Cork, Ireland, Registered by Edward DUNN (Friend), Reg 8/1907 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery. Mine Death –
BURGESS Louis – d 27 May 1901, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 69yrs, Occ: Cordial Manufacturer, Cause: Chronic alcoholism, Father: William BURGESS, Mother: Johanna OFFERMAN, Born: Brussels Belgium, In VIC 44yrs, IN WA 6yrs, Single, Reg 12/1901 Broad Arrow, RC, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
CAIN Samuel – d 9 Feb 1899, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 42yrs, Occ: Carpenter, Cause: Diarrhoea, Born Goulburn NSW, Reg 5/1899 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
CALLAGHAN Isabella Amelia – d 19 Apr 1898, at Paddington, Housewife, 26yrs, Cause: Valvular heart disease, Father: Frank KALBERT (Labourer), Mother: Mary FORDYCE, Born: Port Augusta, SA, 17 yrs in SA,1 1/2yrs in WA, Married to Denis CALLAGHAN in Broken Hill NSW at age 19yrs, no children, Reg 10/1898 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
CLOUGH Evesham Henry Edward – d 1 May 1896, Broad Arrow, 22yrs, Occ: Solicitor, Cause: Consumption, Born Leeds Yorkshire England, Father: Sir Thomas CLOUGH-BART, Mother: Mary Jane MORRIS, Second death to occur in Broad Arrow, Reg 353/1896, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery. (Believed to be the first burial in the Broad Arrow cemetery)
Coolgardie Miner 8 May 1896, page 2
COLQUHOUN Alexander – d 17 Oct 1899, at Broad Arrow, 26yrs, Occ: Woodcutter, Cause: Typhoid Fever, Father: Roger COLQUHOUN, Mother: Agnes LYON, Born Ballarat VIC, In WA 2yrs, Single, Reg 23/1899 Broad Arrow, WES, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
CONEN Margaret ‘Maggie’ Reid – d 9 Nov 1909, at the Railway Hotel, Broad Arrow, 39yrs, Cause: Cancer of the Breast, Father: Archibald MACGILL (Painter and Decorator), Mother Jane REID, Born: Glasgow Scotland, In other states of Australia 23yrs, In WA 12yrs, Married Perth WA to Frank CONEN at age 30yrs, Children: Jane Reid 8yrs, Louisa Graham 7yrs, George Alfred 3yrs, Reg 5/1909 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
COOK Jane – d 29 Oct 1897, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, Housewife, 39yrs, Cause: Cirrhosis of kidneys, Father: William Hugh McMAHON (Blacksmith), Mother: Hannah DEVINE, Born: Derry Ireland, 20yrs in NSW, 7 months in WA, Married to George Robert COOK in Melbourne VIC, at age 32yrs, no children, Reg 2/1898 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
CORNISH Arthur Bruce – d 21 Mar 1897, 25yrs, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, Cause: Typhoid Fever, Father: Samuel CORNISH, Mother: Agnes KIRKPATRICK, from Adelaide SA, Reg 438/1897, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery
Arthur Bruce CORNISH – Photo Find a Grave
Broad Arrow Standard 24 March 1897, page 2
Mr. Arthur Bruce Cornish, who died at the hospital on Sunday last, was the latest victim to that fell destroyer, typhoid fever. Though young and exceedingly well in constitution and moreover advantaged by having the very best medical and nursing skill at command, he succumbed, after a short illness. The deceased was the eldest son of the late Samuel Cornish, at one time partner of Messrs. Harrold Bros, merchants, of Adelaide. He was educated at St. Peter’s College, Adelaide, and was in the National Bank there for some years. He was afterwards on Bremery, his uncle’s station near Bourke, New South Wales. Attracted like many others by the golden west, he came to these fields some three years ago, and has since resided continuously on them, putting in the bulk of his time at Black Flag. His hearty and genial manner gained him many friends, and so it was not surprising that his body was followed to its last resting place by a large number of friends.
CRAWFORD John – d 13 Apr 1911, at Broad Arrow, 55yrs, Occ: Labourer, Cause: Syphilis, heart degeneration, Father: James CRAWFORD, Mother: Mary Jane JESS, Born: Bally Kaal, County Down, Ireland, In SA 18yrs, In WA 10yrs, Single, Reg 3/1910 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
CRENNAN Michael – d 20 Nov 1896, Paddington, 50yrs, Cause Concussion of the brain in a mining accident, born Ireland, in VIC 30yrs, In WA 1 yr, Married in Ballarat VIC to Ellen Larkin at age 29yrs, Children: Julia Harris, Bridget Ann, Elizabeth, Mary, Edward Thomas, Ellen, Michael James. Reg 108/1896, Buried Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Mine Death
Michael Crennan on his marriage to Ellen Larkin, Ballarat VIC 1874 – Photo
CUSACK Eileen Whilma Patrice – d 25 Nov 1904, at McDonald St, Broad Arrow, 1yr 8mth, Cause: Teething, Inflammation of lungs, Father: Patrick Edward CUSACK (Police Constable), Mother: Mary Elizabeth MAYS, Born Broad Arrow, Reg 9/1904 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Elieen CUSACK – Photo Find a Grave
DANCE John Anderson – d 23 Oct 1900, at Broad Arrow, 1yr 8mths, Cause: Enteritis and Meningitis, Father: John Edmund DANCE (Stone Mason), Mother: Jane Anderson MCKENZIE, Born: Paddington WA, Reg 19/1900 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
DAVERN Margaret Anne – d 7 Feb 1902, McDonald Street, Broad Arrow, 11mths, Cause: Exhaustion and Marasmus, Father: James Jeremiah DAVERN (Miner), Mother: Elizabeth Jane WRIGHT, Reg 2/1902 Broad Arrow, RC, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
DEUCHAR Charles – d 9 Mar 1899, at Broad Arrow, 36yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Accidentally killed in a fall of earth at the Railway Venture GM, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Alexander DEUCHAR (Miner), Mother: Jane CLARK, Born: Scarsdale VIC, In Vic 22yrs, In WA 14yrs, Single, Reg 7/1899 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery. Mine death
Charles DEUCHAR – Photo Find a Grave
DOHERTY Martin – d 30 Apr 1898, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, Occ: Miner 57yrs, Cause: Fatty Degeneration of the heart, Born: Sligo Ireland, 5 years in WA, Single, Reg 11/1898 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
DON James William – d 5 Jun 1911, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 47yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Heart failure, Father: James DON (Clergyman), Mother: Zelia Pollinger LANGA, Born: Kyneton VIC, In VIC 31yrs, In WA 16yrs, Single, Reg 4/1910 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
DON Stanley Malcolm – d 5 Sep 1902, at McDonald Street, Broad Arrow, 8 weeks, Cause: Bronchitis and Convulsions, Father: James Sutherland DON (Miner), Mother: Isabella SILVEY, Born Broad Arrow, Reg 11/1902 Broad Arrow, PRES, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
DONOVAN Eva Ann – d 25 Mar 1898, at Paddington, 7 weeks, Cause: Diarrhoea, Exhaustion, Father: John DONOVAN (Miner) Elizabeth Ann BROOKS, Born Paddington, Reg 6/1898 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
DOWNING Alfred Ernest – d 20 Jul 1910, Near Hill End Mine Broad Arrow, 40yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Heart Failure, father: George DOWNING (Miner), Mother Catherine WALLS, Born: Talbot VIC, In VIC 25yrs, In WA 15yrs, Single, Informant: C L DOWNING (Brother), Reg 6/1910 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
DOWNING George – d 29 Aug 1908, off Venture Street, Broad Arrow, 65yrs, Occ Miner, Cause: Haemorrhage of throat, Father: Jeremiah DOWNING (Contractor), Mother: Margaret BRENAND, Born: Mt Lofty SA, In SA 12yrs, in VIC 49yrs, In WA 12yrs, Married to Catherine WALLS in Talbot VIC at age 22yrs, Children: Francis George 40yrs, Alfred Ernest 38yrs, Arthur Watts 37yrs, Elsie Maud 35yrs, Robert William 32yrs, Ethel May 28yrs, Katie Nellie 26yrs, Charles Leonard 24yrs, Reg 13/1908 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Kalgoorlie Western Argus 8 September 1908, page 3
One of the oldest and most respected residents of Broad Arrow, Mr. George Downing, passed away peacefully at his residence early on Saturday morning. Mr. Downing had been ailing for some time past from throat troubles, and last Monday; broke a blood vessel in a fit of coughing, bringing on a haemorrhage from which he gradually sank and died. Mr. Downing was 65 years of age, and much sympathy is expressed for the family in their bereavement.
DOWNING Kennith Charles – d 10 May 1907, at Broad Arrow, 5 days, Cause: Intestinal Obstruction, Father: Francis George DOWNING (Store man) Mother: Elizabeth Maud Mary TREVENA, Reg 2/1907 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
DUGGAN James Joseph – d 23 Nov 1898 at Paddington, Illegitimate, 3 months, Cause: Marasmus, Mother: Sarah DUGGAN, Born Paddington WA, Reg 22/1898 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
ERICKSON Jessie – d 4 Dec 1909, at Brazier Street, Broad Arrow, 3mths 24days, Cause: Teething, Father: John ERICKSON (Miner), Mother: Christina MELVILLE, Born Broad Arrow WA, Reg 6/1909 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
ERICKSON John Eric Melville – d 12 Aug 1912, at Brazier Street, Broad Arrow, 11yrs, Cause: Acute Nasopharyngitis, Father: John ERICKSON (Miner), Mother: Christina MELVILLE, Born: Semaphore SA, In SA 3mths, In WA 10yrs, Reg 7/1912 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
FANETTI Stefano – d 26 Sep 1915, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 51yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Acute Delirium from Influenza, Father: Andrea FANETTI, Mother: Liberata MOTTINELLI, Sonico Italy, In New Zealand 12 yrs, In WA 7mths, Married to Rose GERVASONI in Melbourne VIC at age 31yrs, Reg 11/1915 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
FICIOLI Giovanni – d 2 Feb 1902, at Windanya near Broad Arrow, 27yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Accidentally killed in a fall of earth in the Half Mine Reef GM near Windanya, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Faustino FICIOLI (Bootmaker), Mother: Unknown, Born Lovero Italy, In WA 4yrs, Reg 1/1902 Broad Arrow, RC, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery. Mine Death
FIMMELL Harold – d 1918, Cause: Not born alive, Father: Herbert John FIMMELL, Mother: Matilda May BODDINGTON (twin to Mervyn), Reg East Coolgardie 209/1918, Buried Broad Arrow Cemetery.
FITZGERALD Minnie – d 22 Jun 1897, at Broad Arrow, Occ: Washer Woman, 34yrs, Cause: Shock from burns, Single, Reg: Broad Arrow 3/1897, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
FLYNN Patrick – d 17 Oct 1905, 55yrs, Father: Michael FLYNN, Mother: Mary MULHERRIN, Born: 1852 in Greaghnaglogh, Roscommon, Ireland, Married to Margaret FINNERTY on 28 Jun 1886 in Balmain, New South Wales, Children: Margaret born 1887, Patrick born 1887, Reg 11/1905 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
FOGARTY Daniel – d 22 Sep 1899, at Paddington, 32yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Accidentally poisoned by foul gases in the Try It GM at Paddington, Born: Sydney NSW, in NSW 29yrs, In WA 3yrs, Single, Reg 21/1899 Broad Arrow, RC, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery. Mine Death:
GILDERS Cornelius John – d 14 Apr 1899, at the Deep Lead GM, Paddington, 24yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Accidentally killed in a fall of earth on an alluvial Claim at Paddington, Verdict of the Coroner. Father: James GILDERS (Farmer), Mother: Ann McCOURT, Born: Dunnolly VIC, In VIC 22yrs, In WA 2yrs, Single, Reg 12/1899 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery. Mine Death:
GOTTLIEBSON Elizabeth – d 30 Mar 1899, at Broad Arrow, 23yrs, Occ: Laundress, Cause: Suicide by poison, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: John GOTTLIEBSON (Sawyer) Mother: Unknown, Born Daylesford VIC, In Vic 22yrs, In WA 9mths, Single, Reg 9/1899 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
GRANT Allan Stewart – d 9 Oct 1908, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 74yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Senile Dementia, Exhaustion, Born: Leith Scotland, in WA 13yrs, Reg 15/1908 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
GRANT Nellie Victoria – d 6 Nov 1905, 26yrs, at the Exchange Hotel, Broad Arrow, Father: Guiseppe Angiolo ‘Joseph’ BERTALLI, Mother: Agnes TAYLOR, Born: Newstead VIC, Married to Joseph GRANT (Publican), on 22 Feb 1899 Perth WA, Child: Ivy Vera born 1900, Reg 12/1905 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Nellie GRANT – Photo
HANLEY Annie – d 27 Jan 1897, at the Exchange Hotel, Broad Arrow, wife of hotel proprietor, 33yrs, Cause: Typhoid Fever and Pneumonia, Father: Peter McEVOY (Farmer) Mother: Margaret BRADY, Born: Co Cavan, Ireland, In SA 6yrs, In WA 6mths, Married to James McMahon HANLEY in South Melbourne VIC at age 28yrs, Children: Myra Kathleen Clare 2yrs, Reg 6/1897 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
HANSEN Charles Rudolph – d 24 Sep 1901, at McDonald St, Broad Arrow, 20 days, Cause: Premature birth, Father: Rasmus HANSEN (Miner), Mother: Katherine LYNCH, Born Broad Arrow WA, Reg 14/1901 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
HANSEN Doris Catherine – d 25 Aug 1902, at Clelland St, Broad Arrow, 3 days, Cause: Premature Birth, Father: Ramus HANSEN (Greengrocer), Mother: Katherine LYNCH, Reg 10/1902 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
HARDING Niclas Charles Thomas Richard Condy – d 6 Sep 1903, at the Government Dam, Broad Arrow, 55yrs, Occ: Caretaker at the Government Dam, Cause: Chronic Alcoholism, Father: George HARDING (Miner), Mother: Emily CONDY, Born: Penzance Cornwall, England, In WA 27yrs, Married to Mary Ann WILSON (Widow) in Stockton, Co Durham, Northumberland, England at age 21yrs, Children: 2 males deceased, Reg 13/1903 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Kalgoorlie Miner 10 September 1903, page 4
It is with feelings of profound sympathy and regret I have to record the death of Mr. Charles Harding, foreman in the water supply, branch of the railway department, which sad event took place at his residence on Sunday afternoon. The deceased was well known and highly esteemed in the district. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon and was largely attended. The deceased was accorded a masonic funeral by the Paddington and Broad Arrow lodges in the customary manner. Much sympathy is felt for the widow of the deceased in her sad bereavement. The deceased was 55 years of age, and death was due to an affection of the heart.
HARVEY James Stephenson – d 13 Nov 1897, at the at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 26yrs, Cause: Typhoid, Occ: Miner, Father: Edward HARVEY (Farmer), Mother: Kate MORGAN, Born Port Arlington, VIC, 25yrs in VIC, 1 yr in WA, Single, Reg 8/1897 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
HATTLEY Charles – d 6 Feb 1901, at Broad Arrow, 2 days, Cause: Convulsions caused by excessive heat. Father: Arthur HATTLEY (Blacksmith) Mother: Mary Jane TAYLOR, Reg 6/1901 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
HATTON Charles Thomas – d 27 Jul 1900, at McDonald Street, Broad Arrow, 10 weeks, Cause: Asthenia, Father: Thomas HATTON (Butcher), Mother: Ann Gladys WRIGHT, Born Broad Arrow WA, Reg 16/1900 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
HAWKINS John William – d 25 Sep 1905, 49yrs, at Broad Arrow, Father: John HAWKINS, Mother: Jane WARREN, Born: 17 MAY 1856 in Carisbrook, Victoria, Married to Lillian ‘Lilly’ WRIGHT in VIC in 1886, Children: Olive Claudine born 1887, Charles William born 1889, Irene Myrtle born 1891, Edith Florence Boen 1892, Jack Orlando born 1896, Reg 10/1905 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
HAWKINS Olive Clandine – d 10 May 1907, at Broad Arrow, 19yrs, Cause: Heart Failure, Father: John William HAWKINS (Carter), Mother: Lilly WRIGHT, Born Talbot VIC in VIC 10yrs, In WA 9yrs, Single, Informant E J Warren (Aunt), Reg 3/1907 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.

Kalgoorlie Western Argus 21 May 1907, page 28
HEWETT William – d 7 Aug 1900, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 42yrs, Occ: Accountant, Cause: Heart failure, Father: James HEWETT (Major), Mother: Ellen BAKER, Born New Zealand, In WA 4mths, Married to Maria Woodsroof THOMSON in Carlisle England at age 21yrs, Children: William Lewis 17yrs, Edna Ethelinda Georgina 15yrs, Reg 17/1900 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
HEWITT William – d 17 May 1903, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 17yrs, Occ: Carpenter, Cause: Enteric Fever, Father: Henry HEWITT (Carpenter), Mother: Bertha MINKA, Born in New Zealand, 6 yrs in WA, Single, Informant father, Reg 8/1903 Broad Arrow, WES, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery
HIGGINS Thomas – d 21 May 1913, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 38yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Bronchitis, Reg 2/1913 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
HILL Joseph Thomas – d 28 Mar 1910, near Broad Arrow in transit from Waverly to the Broad Arrow Hospital, 52yrs, Cause: Shock from strangulated bowel, Father: Joseph Thomas Charles HILL (Labourer), Mother: Ann Bolton, Born Minmi Newcastle NSW, In NSW 45yrs, In WA 7yrs, Married to Ellen REGAN in Newcastle NSW at age 21yrs, Children: Elizabeth 30yrs, Daniel 26yrs, Veronica 21yrs, Ruby 43 Yrs, Joseph Thomas 8yrs, Reg 1/1910 Broad Arrow, RC, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 – 1954), Thursday 31 March 1910, page 2
Joseph Thomas Hill died yesterday afternoon, whilst being conveyed to the Broad Arrow Hospital. The deceased who lived at the Mexico mine, was married and about 52 years of age. It appears he was well the previous day, in fact, he worked that day at the Mexico mine, where he was employed, and at about 4 p.m. took ill. About 7 a.m. yesterdav. accompanied by his wife and brother-in-law, Mr. D. Reegan, a start was made for the Broad Arrow Hospital, but when about 2 miles from Broad Arrow, Hill expired.
HOSGKINSON Albert James – d 18 Aug 1898, at Broad Arrow, 44yrs, Occ: Engine Driver, Cause: Pneumonia, Father: James HODGKINSON (Station Holder), Mother: Mary MARSHALL, Born Woodstock VIC, 21 yrs in NSW, 19mths in WA, Married to Ada Josephine EDMISTON in Melbourne VIC at age 31yrs, Children: Louise Myrtle 11yrs, Noel Albert 9 yrs, Reg 16/1898 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
HOFFMAN Alfred Thomas – d 18 Jun 1899, at Paddington, 2yrs, Cause: Catarrh and Laryngitis, Father: George HOFFMAN (Miner), Mother Mary Ellen EATON, Born: Broad Arrow WA, Reg 18/1899 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
HOWELLS Samuel – d 17 Jan 1907, at Broad Arrow, 54yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Suicide, by his own hand, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: John HOWELLS (Miner), Mother: Ann WILLIAMS, Born: Monmouthshire Wales, In VIC 35yrs, In WA 5 yrs, Married to Elizabeth WALTERS in Sebastopol Ballarat, VIC at age 21yrs, Children: Griffith Oliver 32yrs, John William 31yrs, Mary Ann 28yrs, Lewis Thomas 24yrs, Gladys May 19yrs, Samuel Walter 17yrs, William Stanley 15yrs, Lilian Keziah 12yrs, Reg 1/1907 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery,
HUGGINS Kathleen Elizabeth – d 3 Jun 1905, at Broad Arrow, 4 ½ mths, Father: James Sullivan HUGGINS, Mother: Nellie Elizabeth NEAYLEN, Reg 7/1905 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
HUGHES Annie Cecely – d 4 Mar 1905, 35yrs, at Broad Arrow Hospital, Father: Daniel BOWMAN, Mother: Margaret FARRELL, Married to George HUGHES in VIC in 1895, Children: Jack-John Farrell born 1896, May-Mary Margaret born 1902, Reg 2/1905 Broad Arrow, Buried in the Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Annie HUGHES – Photo Find a Grave
HUNTER Charles – d 3 Mar 1900, at the Railway Venture GM Lease, 17hrs, Cause: Premature Birth, (Twin to Elizabeth) Father: Charles Inkerman HUNTER (Miner), Mother: Elizabeth Anne SCRUBY, Reg 10/1900 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
HUNTER Elizabeth – d 3 Mar 1900, at the Railway Venture GM Lease, 24hrs, Cause: Premature Birth, (Twin to Charles) Father: Charles Inkerman HUNTER (Miner), Mother: Elizabeth Anne SCRUBY, Reg 11/1900 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
ING Sydney Edwin- d 4 Sep 1918, Railway Hotel, Broad Arrow, 53yrs, Occ: Watchmaker and Jeweller, Cause: Suicide by his own hand, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: John ING (Chemist), Mother: Frances Adelaide BRIND, Born: Aylesbury, Bucks, England, Married to Ada Medhurst SHALDERS in York WA, Informant: Brother W H Ing, Reg 3/1918 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
JOHNSON August – d 31 Mar 1908, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 44yrs, Occ: Miner/Prospector, Cause: Chronic Indigestion, Pancreatic Haemorrhage, Born: Frederickstad, Norway, In WA 14yrs, Reg 6/1908 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
JOHNSON Charles – d 28 Jul 1915, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 75yrs, Occ: Prospector, Cause: Heart Failure, Reg 7/1915 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
JUSCHKAT Johann – d about 14 Sep 1910, on the Mount Eva Road, 2 miles south of Mulgarrie, about 50yrs, Occ: Miner: Hemorrhage from a cut on arm and fractured skull, Reg 8/1910 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.

Mount Magnet Miner and Lennonville Leader 17 September 1910, page 2
KEARN Herman – d 24 Feb 1911, at Ora Banda, 51yrs, Occ: Labourer, Cause: Suicide by poisoning, Verdict of the Coroner, Reg 2/1910 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
KELLEHER Jeremiah – d 10 Jul 1900, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 32yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Shock caused by burns, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Patrick KELLEHER, Mother: Mary, address: Berowr Parish, Klandove, Co Cork Ireland, Born: Berowr Parish, Klandove, Co Cork Ireland, Reg 15/1900 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
KELLETT Thomas – d 14 Aug 1908, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 78yrs, Occ: Prospector, Cause: Epithelioma of the tongue, In WA 19yrs, Reg 11/1908 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
KELLY May – d 1 Dec 1898, at Broad Arrow, 18 mths, Cause: Gastro Enteritis, Father: Patrick William KELLY (Miner), Mother: Elizabeth MAXWELL, Born: Melbourne VIC, 4 mths in VIC, 14 mths in WA, Reg 23/1898 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
KENNEDY James – d 19 Jan 1903, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 30yrs, Occ: Railway Employee, Cause: Acute congestion of the liver, Inflammation of right lung, Heart Failure, Single, Reg 5/1903 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery
KESTEL Henry Frederic, d 12 Jan 1912, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 45yrs, Occ: Labourer, Cause: Chronic alcoholism, Father: Fredric KESTEL (Builder), Mother: Mary Jane OYSTERS, Born: Port Adelaide SA, In SA 19yrs, In WA 26yrs, Single, Reg 1/1912 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
LAMONT Henry – d 16 Jan 1908, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 73yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Arterial Sclerosis, Heart Failure, Born: Wales, in WA 14yrs, in other states of Aust 29yrs, Single, Registered by F Judd (Friend), Reg 1/1908 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
LANCASTER Andrew Michael – d 29 Jul 1913, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 34yrs, Occ: Miner, 34yrs, Cause: Heart Failure/Pneumonia, Reg 6/1915 Broad Arrow, RC, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
LANGHAM Phillip – d 26 Jan 1915, at Bardoc, 47yrs, Occ: Woodcutter, Cause: Aortic Aneurism, Born: Bendigo VIC, In VIC 34yrs, IN WA 30yrs, Single, Reg 2/1915 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
LAWRENCE Violet – 24 May 1903, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 4 mths, Cause: Acute Gastritis, Exhaustion, Father: Aubrey Malcolm LAWRENCE (Labourer), Mother: Martha PARKER, Born: Binduli Near Kalgoorlie, Reg 9/1903 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery,
LEE Joseph – d 4 May 1897, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 20yrs 3mths, Occ: Blacksmith, Cause: Typhoid Fever, Father: John LEE (Farmer) Mother: Elizabeth Jane BLUETT, Born: Kadina SA, 20yrs in SA, 3mths in WA, Single, Reg 9/1897 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
LEGGETT Richard Lawson – d 23 Dec 1900, 8 mths, at Broad Arrow, Father: Edward George LEGGETT, Mother: Jane KNIGHT, Reg 53/1900, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
LEWIS Lily Elizabeth – d 12 May 1899, at Broad Arrow, 29 days, Cause: Convulsions, Father: Thomas LEWIS (Labourer), Mother: Lily Edith Blanche Mary GIBBONS, Born Broad Arrow, Reg 14/1899 Broad Arrow, WES, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
LEWIS Margaret – d 26 Aug 1909, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 81yrs, Cause: Senility, Heart Failure, Father: David MORGAN (Farmer), Mary HOWELL, Born: Llantwit, Glamorganshire, Wales, In SA 20yrs, In WA 9 yrs, Married in Glamorganshire Wales to Evan LEWIS at age 19yrs, Children: Mary 55yrs, David 47yrs, Annie 43yrs, Margaret 40yrs, 1 male two females deceased, Reg 3/1909 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
LEWIS Thomas Joseph – d 29 Mar 1897 at at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 28yrs, Occ: Boiler Maker, Cause: Disease of heart, liver and kidneys, Father: Thomas Joseph LEWIS (Engineer), Mother: Unknown, Certified by wife Lena Annie LEWIS, born Port Adelaide SA, In SA 20yrs, In WA 9yrs, Married to Lena Annis BROWN in Fremantle WA at age 22yrs, Children: Mary Magdalen 2 ½ yrs, deceased 3 females, Reg: East Coolgardie 112/1897, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
LOFTUS Selby John – d 1 Dec 1896, 25yrs, Cause: Enteric Fever, Father: John LOFTUS, Reg 437/1896, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
LYONS James Clifford – d 30 Mar 1897, 48yrs, at the Adelaide GM, Liberty Camp, Black Flag, Cause: Accident, fall of rock, Father: Patrick LYONS, Mother: Mary CLIFFORD, Born: c 1849 in Drummore, Co Clare, Ireland, Married to Ellen ENGLISH on the 5 Sep 1868 at Mount Gambier, South Australia, Children: Thomas Cornelius born 1869, Thomas Patrick born 1873, Mary Ellen born 1875, Bridget Elizabeth born 1877, James Clifford born 1878, Bridget Ann born 1880, Elizabeth Maria born 1881, Dennis English born 1883, Patrick John born 1885, Catherine born 1887, Anastasia Tarrana born 1888, John Henry Joseph born 1891, William Charles born 1892, Eileen Catherine born 1892, Reg 470/1897, Buried in the Broad Arrow Cemetery. Mine Death –
Broad Arrow Standard 3 April 1897, page 4
An inquest into the death of James Lyons, which happened in the Adelaide mine on the morning of the 30th ultimo, was held at the courthouse, Messrs. R. Donovan, N. M. Howitt, and T. Moorehead sitting as a mining jury. Sergeant Smyth conducted the case for the Crown. Dr. Martin stated on oath that when he was called in the deceased was in a state of collapse. Three ribs on the left side were depressed towards the heart and the left lung. The pulse was almost imperceptible. The man was dying. The fall of a heavy rock would cause the injuries. The deceased was conscious. I did not hold a post mortem, as the injuries I saw were sufficient to cause death.
LYONS Mary Anne – d 23 May 1897, at Paddington, 40yrs, Born: Co Cork Ireland, Father: William CREEDON, Mother: Margaret HICKEY, Married to Edward FLAHERTY in 1873 in Cork, Ireland, Children: Eugene born 1874, Sarah Ann ‘Sadie’ (child of LYONS) born 1882, Possible Marriage to Michael LYONS in 1880 in Oamaru, New Zealand, Two other daughters Maggie and Nellie, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Mary Ann LYONS – Photo Find a Grave
MACKENZIE William Sutherland – d 4 Sep 1902, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 58yrs, Occ: Accountant, Cause: Cirrhosis of liver and exhaustion of heart, Father: James Mackenzie (Gentleman), Mother: Annie SUTHERLAND, Born: Aberdeen Scotland, 25yrs in VIC, 5 yrs in WA, Single, Reg 12/1902 Broad Arrow, PRES, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
MAEDA Taramatsie (male) – d 19 Dec 1897, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 27yrs, Occ: Cook, Cause: Enteric Fever, Born Kobe Japan, 7 yrs in WA, Married in Japan at age 20yrs, name of wife unknown, Children: 1 male, name unknown, Reg 1/1898 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
MALONEY John – d 25 Jan 1899, at Paddington, 30yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Burns when his camp burnt down, it is presumed he is Buried at Broad Arrow Cemetery however there is nothing listed under place of burial on his death certificate so he could possibly be buried in the Paddington cemetery. Reg 4/1899 Broad Arrow.
MANDERVILLE Patrick – d 6 Oct 1896, at Broad Arrow, 60yrs, Occ: Prospector, No registration found, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
MANLEY Jane Bignell – d 15 Aug 1908, at Broad Arrow, 68yrs, Cause: Bronchitis, Emphysema, Father: Richard BROWNING (Stone Mason), Mother Fanny BREAKER, Born: 15 Dec 1839 at Fawley, Hampshire England, In VIC 10yrs, in WA 3yrs, Married four times: First to William WILSON, Second to John PENNINGTON in Hobart Tasmania, Third to George DRAPER in Tasmania at age 38yrs, Fourth to John MANLEY, Children all from 2nd marriage: John Richard 43yrs, Emily Frances 40yrs, Jane Harriet 38yrs, George Edgar 35yrs, Henry Joseph 34yrs, Elizabeth Martha 31yrs, Informant: Son Henry Pennington, Reg 10/1908 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Jane B Manley – Photo
MANNION Margaret – d 6 Nov 1903, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 32yrs, Cause: Pelvic Cellulitis, Coma, Father: Cornelius BUTT (Farmer), Mother: Catherine RYAN, Born: Lowes, Wakefield SA, In SA 27yrs, In WA 5yrs, Married to John Francis MANNION at 23yrs of age, Reg 1/1904 Broad Arrow, RC, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Margaret MANNION – Photo Find a Grave
MANSON Charles Stewart Ross – d 26 Dec 1899, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 23yrs, Occ: Mine Carpenter, Cause: Typhoid, Father: Donald MANSON (Squatter), Mother: Barbara BARCLEY, Born: Riverton, New Zealand, in New Zealand 18yrs, In WA 5 yrs, Single, Reg 26/1899 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
MATHESON James Munro – d 11 May 1904 at the Windanya Hotel, Windanya, 57yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Heart failure and chronic disease of kidneys, In WA 50yrs, In Qld & Vic 11yrs, Single, Born 7 Feb 1847 in Ross Shire, Scotland. Reg 6/1904 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
MCCARTHY John D ‘Jack’ – d 12 Feb 1898, at Paddington, 33yrs, Occ: Amalgamator, Cause: Burns and shock, Reg 6/1899 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
John D McCARTHY – Photo Find a Grave
McCONKEY William – d 9 Dec 1898, at Broad Arrow, 2yrs, Cause: Measles/Bronchitis, Father: Robert McCONKEY (Engine Driver), Mother: Rebecca McGARRY, Born: Charters Towers QLD, 2yrs in QLD, 14 days in WA, Reg 24/1898 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
McGOVERN Francis ‘Frank’ – d 10 Jan 1901, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 40yrs, Occ: Carpenter, Cause: Suicide by cutting throat, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Michael McGOVERN (Carpenter), Catherine McAULEY, Born County Cavan, Ireland, In NSW 14yrs, In WA, Married to Mary HASLIN in Sydney NSW at age 26yrs, Children: Mary Josephine 13yrs, Frank Peter Joseph 11yrs, Catherine 7yrs, Reg 2/1901 Broad Arrow, RC, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
MCKILEEN Thomas R – (AKA ) d 11 Jun 1897, at Smithfield, Occ: Miner, Cause: Suicide by blowing head off with dynamite, Parents not known, Could be married to Agnes, Reg Broad Arrow 2/1897, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery. Story: –
McMAHON unnamed male – d 26 Nov 1899, at Broad Arrow, Cause: Premature birth, stillborn, Father: John McMAHON (Miner), Mother: Christina GRANT, Reg 26/1899 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
McMAHON John Sarra – d 19 Dec 1903, at Paddington, 3mths, Cause: Marasmus, Father: Thomas McMAHON (Miner), Mother Charlotte Louisa SARRA, Born Paddington WA, Reg 2/1903 Broad Arrow, RC, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
MEEHAN Martin James – d 13 Apr 1901, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 42yrs, Occ: Fireman, Cause: Accidental death while removing a house, Father: William MEEHAN (Farmer) Mother: Catherine McCLEAN, Born Ireland, 20yrs in VIC, 4 yrs in WA, Married to Mary O’MAHONEY in St Francis Church, Melbourne VIC at age 30yrs, Children: Catherine 11yrs, William 7yrs, John Thomas 6yrs, Martin Edward 4yrs, Francis Joseph 1 yr, Reg 9/1901 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Kalgoorlie Western Argus 16 April 1901, page 15
A very painful accident happened today to a resident named Martin Meehan, who was removing his house to Kalgoorlie. While shifting the residence from the blocks preparatory to removal, one of the jacks shifted, and the end of the structure falling caught the unfortunate man across the loins, inflicting serious spinal injuries, the extent of which is not known. A neighbour named McKenzie, who was helping him, narrowly escaped a similar fate but fortunately extricated himself with a few minor scratches. Willing hands soon lifted the injured man into ta conveyance, which immediately brought him. to the Broad Arrow Hospital, where the doctor is attending him. Great sympathy is felt for Mr Meehan’s wife and family, whose grief at the scene of the accident was piteous to witness.
MILLIGAN David – d 23 Jun 1912, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 54yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Parents unknown, Born VIC, Reg 5/1912 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
MOORE John Richard – d 1 Jun 1903, at Broad Arrow, 3mths, Cause: Gastro Enteritis, Father: Richard Greenslade MOORE (Blacksmith), Mother: Margaret McINTYRE, Born Broad Arrow, Reg 10/1903 Broad Arrow, WES, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
MORGAN Roy – d 19 Feb 1900, at the Pakeha Lease, Paddington, 8hrs, Cause: Premature birth, Father: George William MORGAN (Miner), Mother: Pearl Teresa GEORGE, Reg 7/1900 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
NEWLAND William Abraham – d 26 Aug 1910, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 46yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Tuberculosis, Father: Abraham NEWLAND, (Seaman), Mother Jane Ann PETERS, Born: 2 Aug 1864 Middlesex England, Single, Reg 7/1910 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
NEWTON Nathaniel ‘Nat’ Dorham Doolette – d 11 May 1906, 30yrs, at his residence at the Consoles Mine, Broad Arrow, Father: Frederick NEWTON, Mother: Elizabeth Jane DOOLETTE, Married to Jane Elizabeth PIPER on 7 Mar 1906 in Kalgoorlie WA, Reg 4/1906 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
NICOLSON William Gordon – d 15 Mar 1900, at Broad Arrow, 1 yr, Cause: Dysentery, Father: William Darling NICOLSON (School Teacher), Mother: Annie KELLY, Born Fremantle WA, Reg 12/1900 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
NORRIS Amy – d 6 Aug 1905, 5 weeks, at Broad Arrow, Father: William NORRIS, Mother: Charlotte PAISFIELD, Reg 9/1905 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
NORTHEY Isabella – d 25 Dec 1898, at Broad Arrow, 4 days, Cause: Convulsions, Father: David NORTHEY (Cordial Manufacturer), Mother: Annie Christina CHAMBERS, Born Broad Arrow, Reg 1/1899 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
NORTHEY Paul James – d 16 Sep 1902, at the Hill End Lease Broad Arrow, 4mths, Cause: Influenza and Bronchitis, Father: David NORTHEY (Contractor), Mother: Annie Christina CHAMBERS, Born at Broad Arrow WA, Reg 14/1902 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
OBRIEN Richard – d 29 Jan 1900, at Paddington, 29yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Accidentally killed falling down a shaft. Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Michael O’BRIEN (Labourer), Mother: Anne, Born QLD, In QLD 11yrs, In WA 1 ½ yrs, Single, Reg 3/1900 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery. Mine Death
ODEA John – d 20 May 1897, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, Miner 21yrs, Cause: Enteritis, Father: Michael O’DEA, Mother: Maria O’DEA, Born Pine Lodge, VIC, Single, In WA 6mths, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery. (It appears the death was not registered)
ONEIL Robert – d 17 Oct 1913, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 36yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Duodenal Ulcer, Father: Benjamin O’NEIL (Farmer), Mother: Mary TUCKER, Born: Scranton, Ireland, In NSW 5yrs, In WA 18yrs, Married to Edith Mary BASKETT in Perth WA at age 30yrs, Children: Agnes Mildred 3yrs, Reg 8/1913 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Robert O’NEIL – Photo Find a Grave
OTOOL Thomas (O’TOOL) – d 3 Feb 1900, 40yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Inflammation of the brain, In WA more than a year. Reg 4/1900 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
PABST Maurice Thomas – d 5 May 1899, at the Lady Bountiful GM, Black Flag, 19 days, Cause: Premature birth, Father: Maurice PABST (Engineer), Mother: Fanny SMITH, Born: Black Flag, Reg 13/1899 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
PARSONS Ernest William – d 6 May 1907, 38yrs, near Baden Powell Mine, Cane Grass, Broad Arrow, Occ: Miner, Cause: Unknown possible poisoning, Verdict of Coroner, Father: Henry PARSONS (Retired Teacher), Mother Amelia COAD, Born Sydney NSW, In NSW and QLD 21yrs, In WA 14yrs, Single, Informant Father, Reg 7/1907 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Kalgoorlie Western Argus 14 May 1907, page 32
DEATH OF MR. ERNEST PARSONS – Mr. Ernest Parsons, who was well known in Kalgoorlie, was found dead near Scotia Siding, on the Menzies railway. line on Wednesday. The first message received in Kalgoorlie relative to the. matter stated that a man had been lost in the bush, and asked for the services of a black tracker. It was stated that he had wandered away from his camp and had not returned. A tracker left Kalgoorlie, but when he arrived, the body of the deceased had been found. It is believed to be a case of poisoning.
The body was taken to Goongarrie, and then to the morgue at Broad Arrow. The deceased arrived in Coolgardie from Southern Cross in the early days to manage the Commercial Bank at the former town. He was also manager of the Commercial Bank at Southern Cross. Afterwards he came to Kalgoorlie, and was connected for some years, up to the time of the insurance war, with the South British Company. He was also valuer for the Kalgoorlie Roads Board up to the time of his death.
He is said to have been in financial trouble, although his creditors did not press him, and his losses were mainly due to the slump in Boulder Deep Level shares. On giving up the insurance business he went to the Baden Powell mine, and worked on his own interest with Mr. Stewart, one of his partners. Two or three crushing’s had been made and are understood to have been satisfactory. One is being put through at the present time, but the result is not known.
Deceased wrote a letter to a Kalgoorlie friend last Thursday, when he stated that he expected 4 oz. to the ton. He had not been in ill health up to the time of his death. The deceased was a brother to the late H. A. Parsons, who carried on a stationery. business in Hannan Street. His father lives in Gosford, N.S.W, and a brother is the manager of a branch of the Commercial Bank in Gippsland, Victoria.
Ernest W PARSONS – Photo Find a Grave
PEARSON Noel Bernard – d 3 Jul 1923, at Broad Arrow, 16yrs 6mths, Father: George Blackett PEARSON, Mother: Charlotte Amelia PRIDEAUX, Reg East Coolgardie 107/1923, WES, Buried Broad Arrow Cemetery.
PENDER Annie – d 28-29 Dec 1899, at Paddington Lead, 53yrs, Cause: Heart failure caused by alcoholic poisoning, Coroners Verdict, Born Ireland, In SA 20yrs, In WA 1 ½ yrs, Married to Peter PENDER in Emerald Hill VIC at age 20yrs, Children: Peter 37yrs, Mary ?yrs, John 28yrs, Fanny 26yrs, Rose 23yrs, Kitty 21yrs, James 20yrs, Michael 18yrs, Joseph 17yrs, Patrick 13yrs, Reg 1/1900 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
PIPPETT Hazel Mary – d 17 May 1918, at McDonald Street, Broad Arrow, 1yr 8mths, Cause: Pneumonia and Meningitis, Father: Alfred Stephen PIPPETT (Shopman), Mother: Anne Elizabeth GIBBONS, Born Broad Arrow WA, Reg 2/1918 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
PLATT Thomas – d 10 Nov 1896, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 60yrs, Cause: Dysentery, Born Victoria. Reg 436/1896, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
POLLY aboriginal woman – d about 2 Feb 1929, 2 ½ miles from Broad Arrow, about 50 yrs, Cause: First thought to be murder which proved untrue, Reg East Coolgardie 25/1929, Buried Broad Arrow Cemetery. (last known burial)
POWELL George – d 30 May 1906, 71yrs, at Paddington, Father: Francis POWELL, Mother: Ann EYRE, Married to Lucy COLLINS, in Port Adelaide SA, Children: see below, Reg Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Kalgoorlie Miner 1 June 1906, page 8
It is with great regret that the death of one of the oldest residents of Paddington, in the person of Mr. George Powell, is recorded. The deceased, who had resided in the district for the past 11 years, was of late in failing health, and the end came at 7:30 this morning. The late Mr. Powell who was highly respected by all, leaves a family of five daughters and two sons to mourn their loss, and deep sympathy is felt for them. The deceased was 71 years of age. The remains will be interred in the Broad Arrow cemetery, where the deceased’s wife was buried some six or seven years ago.
POWELL Lucy Creer – d 4 Apr 1898, at Paddington, Occ: Dressmaker, 19yrs, Cause: Pulmonary Phthisis, Father: George POWELL (Stationer), Mother: Lucy COLLINS, Born Port Adelaide SA, In SA 18 1/2yrs, In WA 6 months, Single, Reg 9/1898 Broad Arrow, Buried Broad Arrow Cemetery.
POWELL Lucy – d 24 Jan 1900, at Paddington, 49yrs, Cause: Heart disease, Father: Henry COLLINS (Painter), Mother: Francis ANSELL, Born Port Adelaide SA, in SA 47yrs, in WA 2yrs, Married to George POWELL in Port Adelaide SA at age 20yrs, Children: Edward John 25yrs, Ann Lydia 23yrs, George E 19yrs, Garry Ansell 17yrs, Catherine Eliza 16yrs, Henry Ballantyne 9yrs, Francis Marjorie 6yrs, Reg 2/1900 Broad Arrow, WES, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Lucy POWELL – Photos Find a Grave
QUISLINI Fortunato – d 1 Feb 1898, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 17yrs, Occ: Labourer, Causer: Typhoid fever, Father: Fortunato QUISLINI, Born: Gaurino, Italy, In WA 10mths, Reg 4/1898 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
RASMUSSEN Christian Peter – d 28 Nov 1912, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 69yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Cerebral Hemorrhage, Father: RASMUSSEN Mother: Boletta HANSEN, Born: Aero, Denmark, In Australia 43yrs, in WA 12yrs, Married to Margaret McLEOD in Westport New Zealand at age 42yrs, Children: Frederick John Alexander 28yrs, Lauritz Peter 26yrs, Edward Christian 23yrs, Reg 8/1912 Broad Arrow, METH, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
RENWICK Hannah Lilian – at Hill Street, Broad Arrow, 1 month, Cause: Congenital Syphilis, Father: John William RENWICK (Miner), Mother: Minnie Louisa DYER, Born: Kalgoorlie WA, Reg 17/1901 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery
RENWICK John – d 7 Dec 1906, 6mths, at Broad Arrow, Father: John William RENWICK, Mother: Minnie Louisa DYER, Reg 7/1906 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery
RHODES Cecil William – d 21 Oct 1897, at Broad Arrow, 4 months, Cause: Bronchitis, Father: Charles Samuel RHODES, Mother: Luisa Adelaide HAWKES, Born Broad Arrow, Reg 7/1897 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
ROBINSON Edward – d 2 Oct 1898, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 54yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Acute Bright’s Disease, Father: John ROBINSON (Labourer), Mother: Hannah POLLIT, Born: Caulfield VIC, in VIC 48yrs, 6 yrs in WA, Married to EmmaJONES in Creswick VIC at age 23yrs, Children: Esther 27yrs, Merianda 24yrs, Edward 20yrs, George 18yrs, Adelaide Ada 16yrs, Ellen Catherine 13yrs, Reg 20/1898 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Edward ROBINSON – Photo
RODDA Edward – d 5 Nov 1904, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 46yrs, Occ: Blacksmith, Cause: Pleurisy, Father: John RODDA (Farmer), Mother: Gertrude SPRY, Born: St Ganes Cornwall, England, in WA 26yrs, in WA 9yrs, Married to Kate GARLAND in Truro, Cornwall at age 19yrs, no children, Reg 8/1904 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
RULE Hedley Vicars – d 27 May 1910, at Merton Street, Broad Arrow, 11 weeks, Cause: Heart Failure, Father: Hedley Vickers RULE (Accountant), Mother: Margaret Elizabeth HOWELLS, Born Broad Arrow WA, Reg 3/1910 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
RULE Joseph – d 13 Mar 1915, at Forest St, Broad Arrow, 73yrs, Occ: Carpenter, Cause: Senility, Heart Failure, Father: William RULE (Carpenter), Mother: Eliza MUNDAY, Born: Cambourne, In WA 20yrs, Married to Mary Jane BRAY in the City of Mexico at age 20yrs, Children: William 47yrs, Minnie 45yrs, Charles 43yrs, Joseph 41yrs, Emily May 39yrs, Headley Vickers 37yrs, Horace Richard 32yrs, 1 male deceased, Reg 4/1915 Broad Arrow, METH, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
RULE Margaret Elizabeth – d 3 May 1906, 26yrs, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, Father: Samuel HOWELLS, Mother: Elizabeth WALTERS, Married to Hedley Vickers RULE in 1904 Kalgoorlie WA, Child: Hedley Vickers born 1910, Reg 5/1906 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.

Rule Family Grave – Photo Find a Grave
RULE Mary Jane nee Bray – d 7 May 1921, 71yrs, at Broad Arrow, Father: William BRAY, Mother: Mary HOSKING, Married to Joseph RULE in Mexico in 1862, Children (see above), Reg 59/1921 East Coolgardie (Kalgoorlie), Buried in the Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Margaret Elizabeth RULE – Photo Find a Grave
SARRE Thomas John – d 29 Feb 1900, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 64yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Dysentery, Father: Thomas SARRE, Mother: Eliza, Born: Guernsey, England, In VIC 40yrs, in WA 5yrs, Married to Jane KENNEDY in 1877 at Dunnolly, VIC, Children: John, Harry, Thomas, Lottie, Lawrence, Olive, Eilleen, Reg 8/1900 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
SARSELLA Ellesandro – d 11 Apr 1899, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 34 yrs, Occ: Woodcutter, Cause: Typhoid Fever, Single, Born: Lombardy Italy, in WA 6mths, Reg 11/1899 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
SAWYER Margaret – d 25 Jun 1910, at the Liberty Camp, Broad Arrow, 69yrs, Cause: Heart Failure, Mother: Margaret SWANSTON, Born Edinburgh, Scotland, In VIC 39yrs, In WA 14yrs, Married twice: First to James EDMONDSON in Ballarat VIC, Second to John SAWYER in Ballarat VIC at age 40yrs, Children: Robertina Armstrong, James Fletcher, George Arthur, Harry, Caroline, Charles, deceased 3 males and 2 females, Informant: Husband, Reg 5/1910 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
SCHMIDT unnamed female – d 23 Sep 1915, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, Stillborn, Cause: Eclampsia in mother, Father: Sydney Alfred SCHMIDT (Carter), Mother: Laurena Christina RICHARDS, Reg 10/1915 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
SEEBECK John – d 16 Mar 1899, at Broad Arrow, 6hrs, Cause: Premature birth, Father: John Valentine SEEBECK (Cordial Manufacturer), Mother: Mary Anne MACE, Reg 8/1899 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
SIMM Isabella – d 20 Sep 1898, at Broad Arrow, 6 mths, Cause: Convulsions, Father: Henry SIMM (Miner), Mother: Jane LACEY, Born: Bright, England, In WA 4mths, Reg 19/1898 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
SIMM Joseph Lacey – d 30 Oct 1900, at the Dixie GM, Broad Arrow, 6mths, Cause: Enteritis and Diarrhoea, Father: Henry SIMM (Miner), Mother: Jane LACEY, Born South Shields England, In WA 4mths, Reg 26/1900 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
SMALPAGE Violet Marion – d 6 Aug 1899, at Broad Arrow, 6 mths, Cause: Bronchitis and Convulsions, Father: Mordaunt Hunter SMALPAGE (Brewer) Mother: Elizabeth Constance BENNEY, Born Broad Arrow, Reg 19/1899 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
SMART Joseph – d 10 Sep 1898, at Paddington, 77yrs, Occ: Mason, Cause: Inflammation of lungs, Father: Joseph SMART (Mason), Mother: Mary SHENTON, Born: Sussex England, 14yrs in NSW, 2 yrs in WA, Married to Mary Ellen O’GORMAN in 1870 in VIC, Children: Joseph 26, Hector 23, Cidella 22, Reg 18/1898 Broad Arrow, WES, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
SMITH Thomas Richard ‘Robert’ Henry – d 31 Mar 1898, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 26yrs, Occ: Stationer, Cause: Typhoid Fever, Meningitis, Father: Robert Henry SMITH (Iron Turner) Mother: Unknown, Born: Coventry England, 4 yrs in NSW,3 Yrs in WA, Single, Reg 8/1898 Broad Arrow, (Buried in the POWELL family grave, friend), Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
STEPHENS John – d 8 Sep 1898, at the Try It GM, Paddington, 29yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Accidentally killed by a fall of earth in the Try It GM, Father: Daniel STEPHENS (Farmer), Mother: Mary MOON, Born: Derry, Ireland, 4yrs in NSW, 4 yrs in WA, Single, Reg 17/1898 Broad Arrow, WES, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Mine death:
STEWART Frank – d 30 Sep 1907, at the Baden Powell Mine, Broad Arrow, 48yrs, Occ: Engine Driver, Cause: Suicide by his own hand, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Thomas STEWART, Born: Glasgow, Scotland, In WA 12yrs, In other states and New Zealand 13yrs, Married to Alice BATMAN in Dubbo NSW at age 27yrs, Reg 6/1907 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
North Coolgardie Herald 2 October 1907, page 4 – Death of Frank Stewart – Suicide Suspected
The friends of Mr Frank Stewart, of Cane Grass deeply regretted to learn that his body had been discovered on Monday at Cane Grass with a revolver bullet wound over the right ear, which is supposed to have been self-indicted. The deceased, who was a constant visitor to Menzies, where up till quite recently he brought the stone for treatment at the Menzies State mill, won from the Baden Powell mine, in which he was an interested partner.
The news of his untimely end caused quite a shock to his friends and acquaintances. Deceased was an old resident of the district. With his mate, Bob Howe, he ran a condenser at the IOU mine some 13 years ago, since which time they have continued more or less their, association as mates. Deceased was a married man, and was of a genial and affable disposition. Of late he has not been in the best of health, and whilst at Kalgoorlie his physical condition to his friends appeared to be somewhat shaky. No reason, however, can be ascribed for the rash act which ended his existence. It was only a few months ago that one of his late partners poisoned himself.
STOCKER Edwin Robert – d 23 Dec 1898, Broad Arrow, 49yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Pneumonia, Father: John STOCKER (Miner), Mother: Elizabeth FORD, Born: St Blaze, Cornwall, England, 4 weeks in WA, Married to Anna Maria HOCKING in Kadina SA at the age of 35yrs, Children: Violet Pearl 14yrs, Lottie 12yrs, Albert Edward 9yrs, Sylvia Maud A 4yrs, Reg 2/1899 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
SUDHOLZ Beatrice May – d 4 Dec 1909, at Hill St, Broad Arrow, 4mths, Cause: Abscess of the brain, Father: Edward Frederick SUDHOLZ (Butcher), Mother: May Anne MITCHELL, Reg 7/1909 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
SUDHOLZ Friederich Wilhelm – d 28 May 1905, at Broad Arrow, 35yrs, Cause: Died from a collision during a football game, Father: Henrich SUDHOLZ, Mother: Minna GLADIGAVE, Born Mt Gambier SA, Reg 6/1905 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Frederick W SUDHOLZ – Photo Find a Grave
SULLIVAN Laurence Leo – d 9 Dec 1902, at Broad Arrow, 2yrs 10mths, Cause: Chronic diarrhea, Convulsions, Father: Thomas James SULLIVAN (Miner), Johanna Louisa EGAN, Born Broad Arrow WA, Reg 16/1902 Broad Arrow, RC, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Laurence and Thomas SULLIVAN – Photo Find a Grave
Remembrance Card for Laurence & Thomas SULLIVAN –
SULLIVAN Thomas Barry – d 10 Dec 1902, at Broad Arrow, 4yrs 7mths, Cause: Chronic diarrhea, Father: Thomas James SULLIVAN (Miner) Mother: Johanna Louisa EGAN, Born Coolgardie WA, Reg 17/1902 Broad Arrow, RC, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
TAYLOR Vina Shelford – d 27 Apr 1905, 1 week, at Broad Arrow, Father: William Alexander TAYLOR, Mother: Ada ROTHACKER, Reg 3/1905 Broad, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
THOMAZ Alfred Arthur – d 8 May 1905, 18hrs, at Broad Arrow, Father: Alexander THOMAZ, Mother: Jane ‘Jennie’ HERRING, Reg 4/1905 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
THOMAZ Robert – d 15 Jan 1906, 5hrs, at Broad Arrow: Father: Alexander THOMAZ, Mother: Jane ‘Jennie’ HERRING, Reg 1/1906 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
THOMPSON James Richard – d 6 Feb 1900, at Paddington, 30yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Fall of earth, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Samuel THOMPSON (Blacksmith), Mother: Caroline, Born: Newstead VIC, 26 1/2yrs in VIC, 3 ½ yrs in WA, Single, Reg 5/1900 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
THOMPSON John Francis ‘Frank’ AKA John Frank HILL – d 19 Dec 1904, at Brazier Street, Broad Arrow, 17yrs, Cause: Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Father: James THOMPSON (Engineer), Mother: Agnes HILL, Born Stawell VIC, In VIC 16yrs, In WA 9mths, Reg 10/1904 Broad Arrow, WES, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
THOMPSON William – d 25 Sep 1897, at Paddington, Occ: Miner, Cause: Fracture of the skull and injury to the brain through falling down a shaft, Reg 4/1897 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery. Mine Death:
THORNETT William Richard – d 15 Apr 1901, at Broad Arrow, 9mths, Cause: Dentition, Father: Edward Thomas THORNETT (Miner), Mother: Elizabeth WHITE, Reg 8/1901 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
THORS Arthur John – d 18 Jul 1907, at the Load Claim No 389W, 2 ½ miles north of Broad Arrow, 34yrs, Occ: Prospector, Cause: Suffocation, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Franz Anton THORS, Mother: Wilhelmina HAUKE, Born: Hobart Tasmania, In Tas 21yrs, In WA 13yrs, Informant: Frank Chapman (Friend), Reg 5/1907 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery. Mine Death:
TRAVIS Stephen Charles – d 27 Nov 1902, at Hill Street, Broad Arrow, 4 months, the illegitimate child of Edith TRAVIS, Cause: Dysentery, Inflammation of bowels, Exhaustion, Mother Edith TRAVIS, Born Broad Arrow WA, Reg 15/1902 Broad Arrow, METH, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
TRAVIS Unnamed female – d 24 Oct 1898, at Broad Arrow, Illegitimate, Cause: Stillborn, Mother Edith TRAVIS, Reg 26/1898 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
TURNER Henry ‘Harry’ – d 3 Mar 1912, at the Victorious Lease, GM Lease, No 1424 at Ora Banda, 44yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Accidental, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Edward TURNER (Miner) Mother: Annie GILBERT, Born: Darlingford VIC, In VIC 15yrs, In QLD 15yrs, in NSW 5yrs, in WA 10yrs, Single, Death registered by W G Turner (Brother), Reg 3/1912 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery. Mine Death –
TURNER unnamed female – d 23 Aug 1898, at Broad Arrow, 55 hrs, Cause: Obstruction of the bowels, Father: Robert TURNER (Miner), Mother: Annie SCHYAM, Born: Broad Arrow, Reg 15/1898 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
VIPOND Isabella – d 27 Jul 1899, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 47 Yrs, Cause: Bright’s disease, Father: John ATKINSON (Blacksmith), Mother: Isabella, Born: Penrith, Cumberland, England, in NSW 19yrs, In WA 2 ½ yrs, Married to John Thomas VIPOND in Manchester England at age 23yrs, no children, Reg 17/1899 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
VOGELE Christian Alfred – d 16 Feb 1897, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 22yrs, 9 mths, Occ: Miner, Occ: Typhoid Fever, Hemorrhage, Father: Christian VOGELE (Butcher), Martha BARNES, Born Sebastian VIC, In VIC 22yrs, In WA 5 mths, Single, Death certified by father, Reg 5/1897 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
VUILLERMET Michele – d 25 Sep 1899, at Bardoc, 28yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Accidentally killed by a fall of earth at Slug Hill Mine Vettersburg, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Joseph VUILLERMET (Farmer), Mother: Virginia FAVRA, Born: Aigas Italy, 2 ½ yrs in WA, Single, Reg 20/1899 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
WADGE Samuel ‘Samson’ – d 20 Nov 1900, at Broad Arrow, 56yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Overexertion in heat, Exhaustion, Father: William WADGE, Mother: Jane PINE, Born: 29 Dec 1832 at Altarnun, Cornwall, England, Married to Philippa Ann KENDALL, Children: Mary Florence Edith born 1860, Philippa Alrina born 1863, Selena Jane born 1865, Samuel born 1877, Jessie Maria born 1877 and James Henry born 1879, Reg 25/1900 Broad Arrow, WES, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
WALLACE William – d 23 Sep 1898, at Broad Arrow, 35yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Accidentally killed by falling down a shaft at the Pakeha GM, Reg 20/1898 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery. Mine Death:,
WALTERS William -d 19 Jun 1910, Between Ora Band and Siberia, 57yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Heart disease (Post Mortem), Father: Griffith WALTERS (Miner) Mother: Mary LEWIS, Born: South Wales, In WA 13yrs in other states 40yrs, Single, Informant: Nephew, J H Howells, Reg 4/1910 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
WANDARUP Johnny – d 12 Aug 1915, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, Aboriginal Native, about 30yrs, Cause: Acute Rheumatism and Heart Failure, Father: Billy NARABOO, Mother: Jinny, Born: Linden WA, Reg 8/1915 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
WATSON Henry/Herbert Stanley – d 10 Jul 1917, at Hill Street, Broad Arrow, 51yrs, Occ: Bootmaker, Cause: Hemorrhage of aorta (Post Mortem), Reg 5/1917 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
WATSON John, d 16 Feb 1902, in Residence Area, Broad Arrow, 3mths, Cause: Athrepsia/Exhaustion, Father: Thomas WATSON (Carpenter), Mother: Minnie RANDLE, Born Broad Arrow WA, Reg 4/1902 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery
WETHERETT James Luke – d 25 Jan 1901, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 34yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Enteric Fever, Father: George WETHERETT (Farmer), Born Inglewood VIC, In VIC 33yrs, In WA 9mths. Single, Reg 3/1901 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Kalgoorlie Western Argus 5 February 1901, page 42
James Wetherett, a miner, who was admitted into the Broad Arrow Hospi-tal. on Sunday, the 20th, died yesterday. Deceased came to this country from Victoria in company with his mate, Mc-Gamish, in March last, and had been working in Paddington, ever since. We-theritt first coimplained to his mates of feeling unwell about nine days ago. He was taken to the hospital on Sunday, and, gradually sinking, died on Friday night. The funeral took place to-day, the remains being interred in the Broad Arrow Cemetery. A widowed mother and family in Victoria mourn his loss.
WILBERFORCE Walter ‘Watty’ Lishman – d 25 Dec 1898, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 37yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: peritonitis from internal injuries from being run over by a cart on the way home from work, Father: James Lishman WILBERFORCE, Mother: Ellen ASHDOWN, Born: Beechworth VIC, In VIC 32yrs, in WA 5yrs, Married to Agnes Diana SAWYER at age 35yrs at Broad Arrow, Children: Walter Matheson 16 months, Reg 3/1899 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
WILLIAMS Ernest Alfred – d between 26-29 Jul 1902, at Paddington, about 40yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Accidentally suffocated by charcoal fumes, Reg 8/1902 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
WILLIAMS John – d 31 Jan 1898, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 57yrs, Occ: Labourer, Cause: Heat apoplexy, Born: Portsmouth England, in SA 15yrs, In WA 2yrs, Single, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery. Reg 3/1898, Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
WILLIAMS William – d 18 Nov 1901, 29yrs, at Broad Arrow, Father: William WILLIAMS, Mother: Eliza RUSSELL, Reg 51/1901, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
WOODS Ewen Morritt – d 28 Jul 1898, at Paddington, 3 mths, Cause: Inflammation of the bowels, Father: James Coates WOODS (Engine Driver), Mother: Maria Genevive MORRITT, Born: Perth WA, Reg 13/1898 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
WRIGHT George Wilson – d 1 Jan 1909, Near Hill End Mine, Broad Arrow, 62yrs, Occ: Accountant, Cause: Suicide by cyanide poisoning, Verdict of the Coroner, In WA 13yrs, Reg 1/1909 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
WRIGHT William – d 28 Jun 1902, at the Broad Arrow Hospital, 40yrs, Occ: Miner, Cause: Low Fever with spinal meningitis, In WA 5 ½ yrs, 1 son Robert, Reg 7/1902 Broad Arrow, ANG, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
YOUNG William Andrew – d 19 Apr 1910, at Broad Arrow, 47yrs, Occ: Labourer, Cause: Heart Failure, Father: Andrew YOUNG, Mother: Marion Rosalie POWELL, Born Claire SA, in SA 35yrs, In WA 12yrs, Single, Reg 2/1910 Broad Arrow, Buried in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Moya Sharp
Latest posts by Moya Sharp (see all)
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- Sir Samuel Cemetery – ”are we remembered not?” - 01/03/2025
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I would like to thank you for all the great work you do.s
Thank you Sue
TodayI discovered my Great-Grandfather, Edward Robinson at rest in Broad Arrow Cemetery.
Thank you, Moya, and Congratulations on your wonderful Research…a fine piece of Social History as well. Last year, I found his wife, Emma Jones, the daughter of a CONVICT!
I was overjoyed to be able to fill in a few empty leaves on our familyTree and solve a few mysteries. Born in Kalgoorlie, I have always yearned to do that. Bravo!
So glad you were able to find Edward, is there any more detail you know about him that we could add to his bio?
Thank you for all you do on research of the Goldfields area. I have my Grandfather Frederick Willox and my great Grandfather also named Frederick Willox buried in the Paddington/Gudarra cemetery in June and August 1908. Should they be listed in the Broad Arrow cemetery records?
Hi Lynn They are buried at Paddington Cemetery which is quite close to Broad Arrow, they are registered in the Broad Arrow district.