R H Henning and party pegged the Black Flag lease which in October 1894 was reported to be ‘doing very well.’ The property was sold the following year to Lord Sudley’s syndicate for $48,000. By this time men were opening up their claims, many with good results. In December, the following year, there was an exciting discovery at Black Flag. Rich specimens and a nugget “The Joker (AKA The Little Joker)”, weighing 303 ounces was found on the Devon Consols Gold mine. This belonged to the All Nations Prop, an Adelaide based company.
When displayed in Coolgardie ‘The Joker’ created great interest and excitement and diggers rushed to Black Flag and pegged alluvial claims. About this time, during 1896, the Government decided to form a separate goldfield with Broad Arrow as its centre and appointed Percy Fielding its Warden. Black Flag became part of the new goldfield.
The year 1896 was a boon time for the Eastern Goldfields. The new railway to Kalgoorlie brought mining experts and buyers to examine the mines and claims were opening everywhere. Women and children came too, now that the future of the goldfields seemed assured. Men sent for their families and a newspaper during 1896 stated:- “The increased number of the fair sex here indicated the approach of civilisation in our midst and the lords of creation, whose chief enjoyments have been beer, skittles and boxing will have to moderate such entertainments.”
Warden Finnerty apparently had his own ideas on moderation too, as he announced that any man who came before him for using obscene language would be fined at least £5.
Black Flag owned its own racecourse as early as 1896 and at the jockeys club July meeting carried out under WATC rules, the riders were ordered to wear their own colours.
In July 1897, land at Black Flag was gazetted for a town site but there were complaints later that the town was inconveniently situated being too far away from the mines.
Inconvenient or not, business premises and homes were built on the site and the town thrived until the two ‘big’ mines closed down around 1906-7. Most of the ‘shows’ in the district were also worked out by then so that in time this town, like so many other, died.
Extract from “Ghost Towns of the North Country” by Norma King
The West Australian – 17 Jan 1896
A large number of people visited the Commercial Bank of Australia, St. George’s Terrace, Perth during yesterday, to inspect the handsome nugget discovered in the Devon Consols mine near the Black Flag. The specimens are the finest seen in Perth for a long time. It is about a month ago, since the discovery of the slugs was made, the finders being Messrs. Harris and Williams, who are representing an Adelaide syndicate. While following a rich leader, they unearthed the Little Joker nugget, weighing 303oz., about six feet from the surface, and a number of other nuggets or slugs of smaller dimensions. One of these was 73oz. in weight, but it has since been broken up into two nuggets, weighing respectively 39. z. 12dwt. and 33oz. 13dwt. There is another very handsome nugget, weighing 51oz. 15dwt. 12gr., and three or four smaller ones, weighing under 12oz. The gold is of a bright yellow colour, with chocolate coloured cement adhering to the interstices. All the slugs are of a flat shape. The specimens will remain at the Commercial Bank for a few days, and will be then sent on to Adelaide for exhibition. Concerning the original finders, Williams is the son of one of the original finders of the tin deposits at Greenbushes. The Little Joker nugget alone is valued at over £1,000.
Our correspondent, in sending us particulars of the find, stated that the Little Joker was about the largest nugget found in the colony, He is, however, not quite correct. Two larger nuggets were found some years ago, in the North West. One, of 587oz., was picked up by a Swede under the old Broken Hill Reef, in the Pilbarra, about three years ago, while the Little Hero, 333oz., was discovered 4 years ago, on the eastern shore on thre Pilbarra, by Jack Bride, J. Doyle and party. As to the discovery of the 587oz. nugget, it was kept very quiet for a long time, but we have authentic information as to it really having been unearthed.
Black Flag Cemetery:- There are seven recorded burials.
NOBILI Oresti – This is the only grave with a memorial. (ABOVE) Died 12 Apr 1897 age 25yrs, Died from Typhoid after being in Western Australia for only 12 months. Born in Geelong VIC, the son of Oresti Nobili – Coolgardie death cert 85/1897 (Erected by his sister)
NORTHEY David, Died 13 Feb 1900 age 4 days, Father David NORTHEY (Cordial Manufacturer), Mother Annie Christina nee CHAMBERS– Broad Arrow death cert 6/1900
HEFFERMAN James Died 10 Feb 1897 at Black Flag on the Mt Margaret Goldfields, buried at Black Flag Cemetery by his mates. Struck by lightning.
NUNN George Edmund Louis Giangiacomo Died 13 Mar 1898 age 11 weeks from enteritis, Father: Robert Edmund NUNN (jeweller) , Mother Clementine M E A B GIANGIACOMO: Broad Arrow death cert 5/1898
SHERLOCK Patrick Died 7 Dec 1896 age 54, killed by an explosion on the Talisman GM at Black Flag. He had lived in New Zealand for 20yrs and had been in WAust for 1 yr. He was born in Tipperary, Ireland, the son of Maria (nee O’Rourke) and John Sherlock, Farmer. At the age of 47 he married Mary Ann LLOYD in West Port New Zealand. They had one child, Patrick aged 1yr 10mths- East Coolgardie death cert Reg 1/1897
TAGUCHI Fivhio/Futhio/Tivhio, Died 5 Jul 1897 age 38, A carpenter who died from broncho pneumonia after an illness of 4 weeks. He was born in Japan and had been in W Aust for 2 years – Broad Arrow death cert Reg 1/1897
WOOLCOCK William,Died 3 Jun 1896 age 62. A miner who died of capillary bronchitis. He had lived in South Australia for 30 yrs and had been in W Aust for 6 months – East Coolgardie 89/1897 BA – Broad Arrow Registry District
NOTE 1:– There is a signboard at the Black Flag Cemetery which states there is also a person buried there by the name of E Tucker, 27 Feb 1896. In the Kalgoorlie Miner there is a news item on that date that states, E Tucker died on route to Coolgardie, this information was supplied buy the ‘Black Flag’ correspondent. However further research has show that this is Edward TUCKER, aged 53yrs, a carpenter, who died of peritonitis on the Black Flag Road on the 21 Feb 1896, he is buried in the Coolgardie Cemetery.
NOTE 2:– Also on the signboard is the name of Eric WATSON 26 Jun 1896. There is an article in the Kalgoorlie Miner of this date saying there was an accident at the Black Flap Propriety GM and that a man called Eric WESTON was killed. He was taken to the Coolgardie Hospital where he died, he is buried also in the Coolgardie Cemetery. The following item is from:- The Coolgardie Miner 24th June 1896. (Eric Weston’s name is engraved on the Eastern Goldfields Miners Memorial at the WA Museum in Kalgoorlie).
NOTE 3: The sign also states that the only headstone is of Oresti NOBILE but the correct spelling is NOBILI:- See Below
The following letter was recently sent to OFH and was written by William Yelland to his family back in Devon England. It was sent by Margaret Morgan and is reproduced with her permission:-‘
The Outback Family History web site lists William Sampson Yelland as being buried at Old Boulder Cemetery having died aged 43 on 30th March 1904. 134/11 Meth
William Yelland, the writer of this letter, (of which I have the original and this is a complete copy) was born 1861 in Devon, eldest of 4 children. His father Henry was the brother of my great grandfather, and a farm labourer. By 1881 the UK Census shows that the family had moved north to Cumberland where the father was described as a farm servant. Only two of their children (aged 15 and 11) remained at home. Perhaps William had already left for Australia.
Fag End
Black Flag
Via Coorgarlie (sic)
Aug 30 1896
Dear Alf
Just a line to say where I am – you will see I am back in the old place – I received a letter and papers from Mother.
I done no good out the Six Mile – I only got 7 ounces there expences (sic) that all there is a bit of Gold getting at the Devil Finish now I am going out there to morrow to see – Charley is in gold first(?) Mate – I was out yesterday over where we got that Gold I see they have chucked up that lease – I have been trying to get the leaden(?) but I can’t find it – I then went over the hill to Ma Ginty’s place – I picked up a 4 weight piece – I worked all day never got a colour so I given it up – the Credo is floated 95000 thousand shares 6 shillings a share – Dalziell has sold it to man named feather (?) for 5 thousand pound and 8 thousand shares paid up – he has not done very well – I think there is something wrong in the Main Shaft when they cut her – I have not bought any shares in her and am not going to.
It is very hard country.
I will let her rip(?) I will send some papers with this letter including the Credo Prospectus and you will see for yourself In the Bottom of the Shaft but I believe she has spit (split?) again – good job we sold her by all account – if I don’t get any Gold here before long I am going in to Coolgardie and then I am going to Mount Margaret district but I will write if I start there.
I have a letter from Tom this week – he does not know what they are going to do. When I was in Perth the Confidence (con men?) tried to get me but it would not wash so look out for them, they come all ways at it.
Old dad(?) Smart is here getting gold.
I have nothing in the way of news – hoping that you are all well as I am
Believe me, Yours Faithfully
at present W Yelland
PS I have sent Credo Prospectus paper – after you have read it send it down to Tom as I wrote in the letter that you would – and let them see it – they will be pleased there is a whole colour of it.
Moya Sharp
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