Billy ‘Cyclone’ Aitken – a man of many parts

William ‘Billy’ Gaskell Aitken was Mayor of Coolgardie in 1906 and a councillor in the town prior to this. After his term of office, he was presented with an elaborate engraved and coloured citation to commemorate his service. It said:

Banner of Citation

                                                                              William Gaskell Aitken Esq

On the eve of your retirement from the Mayoralty of Coolgardie the ratepayers of the municipality desire to express their appreciation for the splendid work done by you on their behalf during your twelve months of office as Mayor. They desire to pay tribute to your consistent and successful efforts in placing the finances of the municipality on a sound basis and to the manner in which you, on every occasion, upheld the dignity of the town. They are aware that the past year’s work in the chair was onerous in the extreme, and the fact that you have won the esteem of the ratepayers under such circumstances is something that you have every reaso n to be proud of. Wishing you success in the future.
Signed by the Mayor elect Alfred Mercer and other councillors 30th November 1906.

Mrs Elizabeth S AITKEN Mayoress of Coolgardie 1906

William Gaskell AITKEN Mayor of Coolgardie 1906









Billy Aitken was known as ‘Cyclone’ to his friends and fellow councillors of Coolgardie.

Billy was well known for his outspoken religious and pious principals. However, after only a year after the presentation of the above citation, the feelings towards him had cooled considerably, and by 1909 he was forced to leave town hurriedly as one of his clients of his sharebroking business took out a warren for his arrest for insolvency.

Kalgoorlie Western Argus 30 April 1907, page 10

EX-MAYOR OF COOLGARDIE – April 23 1907 – A meeting of creditors was held today in regard to William Gaskell Aitken, a share broker, lately Mayor, and for some years councillor, of Coolgardie. About thirty creditors were present, but many proxies were amongst them, and it was not possible to arrive at a conclusion as to the amount of liability.

The debtor’s statement was read by Mr Andrews (representing Mr Aitken), showing his liabilities to be £1350, made up of share broking accounts, rent, business accounts and private accounts. His assets were shown as £379.

The debtor said he had been forced into his present position by dealing in shares. He should have been more strict in his dealings, but unfortunately he had put all his transactions through the one account and mixed his accounts at the bank.

He had lived in a fool’s paradise until realising his position. He now asked for lenient treatment, and time to pay his liabilities, which, though a heavy load, he thought he could do.

Unknown to the general public in Coolgardie but this was not the first time William had been insolvent. back in 1882 when he was 24 years old he was declared bankrupt.

New South Wales Government Gazette 27 October 1882 (No.430), page 5716

New South Wales Government Gazette 27 October 1882

After these matter were dealt with William then came to Western Australia to make a new start.

Coolgardie Miner (WA : 1894 - 1911), Tuesday 15 September 1903, page 2

Coolgardie Miner 15 September 1903, page 2

William Gaskell Aitken was born in Brighton Victoria on the 20 March 1858, one of nine children born  to James AITKEN and Charlotte WHITTAKER. He married Elizabeth Sandison SHEARER from South Australia in Perth Western Australia in 1895 at the age of 37 years. They had one child only, a son, Guy Larnach AITKEN born in Coolgardie in 1902 and died there aged 8 months. He is buried in the Coolgardie Cemetery. At the time of their sons death they were living in Clifton Tce, Toorak, Coolgardie. William’s occupation was given as a Sharebroker.
William died in South Australia in 1930 and is buried with Elizabeth in the West Terrace Cemetery Adelaide South Australia. he was 72 years old.

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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  1. Nicole Marie Oliver says

    This information is so interesting and I appreciate the work you do Moya.

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