Current Cue Cemetery – beyond the white gate

As promised (albeit two weeks late!) the following is the end result of a research project bravely taken on in the last 18 months by John Pritchard whose help I find invaluable. He took the ‘basic’ cemetery record for the Cue Cemetery which consisted mostly of a name, date & denomination and he has made […]

The Priest and the Policeman

The Priest and the Policeman by Peter Conole (WA Police Historian, Retired 2013) with permission from the Police Historical Soc – The above photograph is a fairly well known West Australian image, one which deserves a greater degree of fame. This fine relic of the Gold Rush days has been in the possession of […]

When there’s a Gold Rush ‘Sell Beer’

Coolgardie Pioneer  24 December 1898, page 38 THE MAYOR AND HIS ESTABLISHMENT “I don’t want no pioneering life, take me back to Collingwood.” This was the strain sung by an Eastern states poet who visited and was disgusted with these fields in the early days. Fortunately for the country, the majority of the old-timers, although […]

Walter Lindrum – the greatest cueman of all time

I was recently sent the following story by Andrew Ricketts about one of our more well-known members of the Goldfields Sporting Hall of Fame, Walter Lindrum, he was in fact one of the original inductees in 2005. About the author:– Andrew Ricketts, the author of the Walter Lindrum Billiards Phenomenon, the only biography on Walter […]

The Swearful Dryblower – a verse

I am a digger at Mulgabbie and I’d like to rise and say Dryblowing is a swearful game to most diggers anyway. You work for days without a color, then have a lengthy swear that takes two solid windy days to cleanse the atmosphere. If an angel down from heaven had to dryblow for a […]