The Dawn of the Eastern Fields –

Truth Perth 6 May 1916, page 4 Pioneer Prospector’s Reminiscences. EARLY MEMORIES. The Dawn of the Eastern Fields. Some early memories of the late Dick Greaves, the pioneer prospector who blazed the track to the Eastern Goldfields, and who recently died at his residence in Roe Street, Perth, will make interesting reading for goldfields people. […]

A Playground of Death – grave tales

After living in Kalgoorlie-Boulder for many years, and talking to lots of people about what they did as youngsters and what games they played. I was told, that although playing on the slime dumps and near mine shafts was ‘strictly forbidden’ just about everyone did it. If their parents had know what they got up […]

Where is Gum Creek ?

While researching details on the burial of a mining death for the Western Australian Virtual Miners Memorial, I came across the cemetery of Gum Creek. This was a new name for me so I looked into it further, I was also able to add another name to my collection of hotel names. The Book ‘West […]

Adam Glover Brown – a family story

I was recently contact by Geoff Edwards, who was planning a trip to Kalgoorlie to look into his family history. His relative, Adam Glover Brown, was a member of a Masonic Lodge. Geoff was fortunate to be able to attend a talk by Doug Daws on the history of Freemasonry at the Eastern Goldfields Historical […]

Memories of Coolgardie and Wooroloo

I was recently contacted by Helena Britt who vary kindly shared with me a copy of a section of her mothes memoirs. Her grandfather, Dr Robert Mitchell, was the first Chief Medical Officer at Coolgardie Hospital and the first Superintendent of Wooroloo Sanitorium, he was in this post until his retirement in 1941. Helena’s mother […]