BOULDER- TOWN HALL. ‘THE CORRICK FAMILY” Saturday 14th August 1909. The Corrick Family continued their Boulder season last night. There was a large attendance in the popular portion of the house. The items of the program consisted of orchestral selections and choruses by the full strength of the company and a fine hand bell performance, […]
A Case of Mistaken Identity –
While recently doing my daily post on the WAVMM ‘The Western Australian Virtual Miners Memorial’ I found that it was the anniversary of a disaster which caused the death of three men at the Englishman GM in Kookynie. These are the names of the men:- BOURKE John, Miner 3/02/1900 Age 35 Englishman GM Kookynie MCKELVIE […]
Benjamin Strange – Pioneer Profile
Benjamin Edward (Ben) Strange (1868-1930), cartoonist, was born on 10 May 1868 at the cavalry barracks, Newbridge, County Kildare, Ireland, son of Benjamin Strange, private in the 10th Hussars, and his French wife Augustine, née Menefoz. After serving in India, his father retired and Ben attended a London board school. He learned drawing and painting […]
The Lake Eva Oil Hoax
In the early days of the WA Goldfields there were, as there are now, conmen who want to make a dollar without working. This is one such story. In May of 1923, Robert Rothkehl and Ernest Thompson claimed that they had struck oil at Mt Eva near Southern Cross in Prospecting area 1135. A Company […]