Dear Readers You will be receiving this email on the first day of 2023. I would like to wish you all a very happy (or happier) New Year. For many of us, this has been another tough year with COVID causing distress for many both from illness and other sources. I hope that your families […]
Alleged Seduction at Kanowna
Kalgoorlie Miner 10 October 1906, page 2 Alleged Seduction The Kanowna Case – Serious Charges against Married Man Frances ‘Frank’ Fordham BROWNE (Plaintiff)-v- John Lewis Henry MARTIN (Defendant) The hearing of the civil case of Frank Fordham Browne against John Lewis Martin, in which the plaintiff claims £1000 for the alleged seduction of his step-daughter, […]
Across No Mans Land in Central Australia part 1
Advertiser – Adelaide SA – 31 January 1933, page 10 This is the first of three articles by Mr. Michael Terry, who recently returned from a prospecting expedition in the wilderness near the the Western Australian border. False reports of rain led to serious trouble. By Michael Terry, F.R.G.S., F.R.E.S. It is now 60 years […]
The Diggers New Year Song
The Diggers new Year Song describes how a group of miners toiled without success until late in the Old Year and having at last struck gold were determined that all around them would join in celebrating the advent of the New Year and the good luck they were sure lay ahead:- Come pass the glasses […]
Water, Water Nowhere -and not a drop to drink
Water was the great leveler. Everyone needed it, young or old, rich or poor. Many a venture has failed through lack of it any many a life has ended. It was often safer to drink whiskey than water that could be contaminated. This is typical of the scenes at many mines in WA’s Eastern Goldfields. […]