The Rooks Family – grave tales

I was recently contacted by Maureen Jones who has sent me two wonderful photographs to share with you. The photographs are from Eric Rooks Collection now belonging to his niece Valerie Grayden, who has given permission for these photos to be shared. Maureen says – “I have been researching the Rooks family here in Melbourne […]

Scandal at Murtagh’s Private School

The following story is about a teacher who went from town to town setting up schools for a short time then leaving under a cloud of suspicion. First in Perth in 1892 then to Kalgoorlie and  Coolgardie then on to Perth again then Bunbury with the same results. However, Mr. Murtagh was in no way […]

Across No Mans Land in Central Australia part 2

The Chronicle SA – 9 February 1933, page 52 Part 1 can be read here – Across No Mans Land part 1 Next day we reached the shore of the lake, an immense area of white and brown salt, extending west and south-west until the dancing mirage hid the further reaches. It is larger than […]

When the Marvel Loch Mine Fell In

Recently Australia was shocked by the news that two men had lost their lives 500ft down a Broken Hill Mine. At the same time the name of Mazza appeared in the obituary notices of the local press. Probably it bore little significance to any but sorrowing friend and relatives – for few could cast their […]

The Spell of Coolgardie – a verse

Ships brought men to Perth From all parts of the earth Lured by fabulous tales of gold yields Some biked it, some hiked it But no one quite liked it The long dreary trek to the fields The ground was their bed A stone for ones head Four bags made a Wagga like quilt Bough […]