The Quantock Girls – grave tales

Ida was one of five girls from the Quantock family that lived in Kookynie at the turn of the last century. She died at the age of 19 yrs, 10 months on the 12th of May 1908 in the Kookynie Hospital from Typhoid fever. The above photograph was taken not long prior to her death. […]

Coolgardie – a womans point of view

West Australian 14 January 1896, page 10 The following article which deals with Coolgardie as it was in June last, is republished from a recent issue of the Sydney Sunday Times: We have the statement made that a goldfield is spoilt as soon as women and newspapers get a footing on it. Whether this is […]

You can help to save TROVE !!

Who uses TROVE??? If you do, your help is needed. I use it all the time every day to search for newspaper articles, photographs, and much more all over Australia. This facility is the envy of people in other countries and is undoubtedly one of the best resources ‘ever’ for researchers both professionally and personally. […]

A Woodline Childhood by Ron Matthews

From the late 1890s until the early 1950s, because all heavy machinery was steam-driven, vast quantities of wood were required to fuel the boilers, and coal was too expensive. Consequently, Wood Lines were born. The last surviving company was ‘The Western Australian Goldfields Firewood Supply Limited’, which ceased operations in 1964. From early 1946 until […]

Across No Mans Land in Central Australia – part 3 (final)

Part 1 Part 2 Advertiser SA  2 February 1933, page 11 ACROSS NO MAN’S LAND IN CENTRAL AUSTRALIA Camel Bitten By Copperhead Mr. Terry Given a Fright. by Michael Terry LIGHTNING struck a nearby range and fused the rock, one night when the Terry prospecting party was in camp. Next day a copperhead snake killed […]