The French Chef and his family

This is quite a well-known photograph, but until recently, I had not known who the people were. I have been contacted by Glenda Slan, who was able to tell me about the photograph and some of her family history. Glenda said, “The gentleman is my great great Grandfather Louis Fremery (he was French and a […]

The White Horse Blow – a verse

The White Horse Blow by Alfred E Wallace ‘The Axeman” Lo, hear the hobbles jingle And the old Mokes bells a dingle And from the far-off Dolly Pot, the echo seems to ring O’er the ranger and the ridges Through the mulgas and the gidgeas. Where McGann was ‘Costeen Champion’, and Pearsey Floater King, Kirklands […]

The Shadow of Death Hotel & Tiger Tail Jerry

There was a man by the name of John Hawes who was a parish priest up to the 1930s in the Yalgoo/Murchison district. In a biography on his life he tells of how, after riding all day, he spent the night at a lonely wild spot with a well called the ‘Shadow of Death’. There […]

Peak Hill Cemetery – grave tales

Peak Hill Cemetery 120 kms north of Meekatharra 25°37’44.5 ,  118°45’03.6 Compiled with the help of Joan Peters 80 known burials There are said to be about 100 burials in the cemetery. NOTE: There are 9 names in ‘RED’ these are not confirmed as buried in Peak Hill Cemetery, but they all died in Peak […]

Death of a Bushman – Ray Jackson

We are pleased to have another excellent story and verse by Ray Jackson – This is what he tells me about it: In 1897 both of my Great Grandfathers on my mother’s side, brought their families to Kalgoorlie to live. George Nankiville came from Berrima in NSW with his wife Sarah and my Grandmother Myra […]