W H J Carr-Boyd: Explorer – Prospector – Raconteur

Although undoubtedly a fine bushman and an able prospector, William Carr-Boyd was better remembered as one of the great campfire entertainers of his generation. A man of engaging personality and unfailing optimism, he had a fine voice, a wide repertoire of songs and an amazing fund of anecdotes. He was one of the most enigmatic […]

Milly Soak – an oasis in the desert

Thanks to John Pritchard for the original idea for this story: Milly/Millie Soak is 16 kilometers north of Cue and was a popular picnic spot in Cue’s early history. It also became the source of the town’s water for a number of years following the pollution of the town’s water supply due to poor sanitary […]

Murder and Suicide at Nannine –

Inquirer and Commercial News  29 March 1895, page 6 THE RECENT TRAGEDY AT NANNINE. THE MURDER OF JOHN SUTHERLAND. SUICIDE OF HIS ASSAILANT. THE INQUEST. Full details reached the Murchison Times by the last mail regarding: the murder and suicide which occurred at Nannine about a fortnight ago. A brief account, received by wire, appeared […]

Life in the Australian Backblocks – by E S Sorenson

Life in the Australian Backblocks by Edward S Sorenson THE STOCKMAN “‘Twas merry ‘mid the blackwoods when we spied the station roofs, To wheel the wild scrub cattle at the yard, With a running fire of stockwhips, and a fiery run of hoofs— Oh! the hardest day was never then too hard.” Adam Lindsay Gordon. […]

Left Waiting at the Church –

WAITING AT THE CHURCH. PLIGHT OF A PAIR IN PICCADILLY A Brace of Boulderites Kept Waiting at the Matrimonial Starting Barrier— For the Parson who ” Forgot.” 11th April 1909 A NOW HAPPY PAIR (since they are married) who, for the best part of an hour, on Wednesday afternoon last, feared that their chance of […]