Bunbury Herald and Blackwood Express 4 November 1924, page 3 World’s Biggest Pig One of the most wonderful attractions that has ever been brought to Australia is ‘Billy,’ who is claimed to be the world’s largest pig. Billy is a. Berkshire-Tamworth crossbred, born on the South Island of New Zealand. The monster caused quite a […]
Hugh O’Donnell – WA’s Youngest Gallipoli Hero
Young Hugh Brian ‘Hughie’ O’Donnell was the youngest West Australian to die at Gallipoli. He was born in Boulder in 1898 to John and Lily O’Donnell. He was living with his parents in Kanowna and when he signed up he was still at the Eastern Goldfields High School. The military authorities in Kalgoorlie passed him […]
Paddy Hannan’s Statue –
Paddy Hannans Statue Early in 1928 the ‘Kalgoorlie Sun’ newspaper directed the attention of the residents of Kalgoorlie that although a plaque and a tree existed to make the first place where gold was found in Kalgoorlie no permanent memorial to the man who found it, Paddy Hannan, existed. The article suggested that a memorial […]
A Fine Moustache – ‘It is an Art”
As we are coming to the end of November for 2014 I wish to thank all those brave soles who have ventured, for the first time for some, to grow a mustache to raise funds to help mens health. Not all the mustaches are as fine as our Mr McNair’s but as Hercule Poirot, the […]
Thomas Cantwell – Died of Thirst or Foul Play?
Thomas Cantwell Died of Thirst or Foul Play? The following item appeared in the local paper in Camblin, Roscrea, Co Tipperary Ireland on the 24th Dec 1895- Perished between Norseman and Coolgardie, supposed from thirst, Tom Cantwell, one of the best fellows who ever pulled off a shirt. Poor Tom was one of the finest […]