The Great Unwashed Preserver of the Peace:

Constable JOLLY – Coolgardie, Western Australia 1909 Nick-named ‘The Great Unwashed Preserver of the Peace’ Constable Jolly blamed the scarcity of water for his economical use of it which in turn, caused some dissatisfaction among his fellow police officers who finally planned to lure him to Silverthorne’s dam and push him in. This drastic step […]

Soldiers of WW1 from the Yilgarn (Southern Cross) district of Western Australia.

                      This slim book was kindly given to me by Sandra Playle and features portraits of service men and women of the Yilgarn District (Southern Cross District of the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia) . In particular there are many excellent photographs of WW1 soldiers […]

The Corrick Family Entertainers:

BOULDER- TOWN HALL.  ‘THE CORRICK FAMILY” Saturday 14th August 1909. The Corrick Family  continued their Boulder season last night. There was a large attendance in the popular portion of the house. The items of the program consisted of orchestral selections and choruses by the full strength of the company and a fine hand bell performance, […]

Elephant Advertising Beer

This is one of my favorite photos of an Elephant being used to advertise Swan Beer in Coolgardie, probably would have looked better on a bigger elephant don’t you think?? This pic is from the Book ‘Gold and Liquid Gold’ Obsolete Breweries of the Western Australian Goldfields by Geoff Spiller.

Historic Photographs Now Online

Historic Photographs now Online – From the Kalgoorlie Miner Newspaper 20th Dec 2014 Five thousand images taken by Goldfields Photographers documenting everyday life in the region from 1890’s to 1920’s are now available on the Western Australian Museums Website. Taken by John Joseph Dwyer and Thomas Faulkner MacKay, the collection documents everything from the development […]