Sly Grog Shanty – Florence Menon

Sly Grog Shanties sprang up where ever people settled and the police were hard pressed to keep a check on the offenders. The record from the Morgans Courier details just such a case that would annoy the local constabulary.  I wondered if this term of incarceration for Florence Menon would have made her tread the […]

“The Challenge’ for the ‘Belle of Coolgardie’

In the days of early Coolgardie it was often the case that when a disagreement occurred it was settled in the time honoured way by bashing each other senseless.  This was welcomed by the general population who were somewhat starved for entertainment. It also ensured your ‘disagreement’ was well and truly ‘settled’. Coolgardie drew to […]

Boulder City Scottish Piper’s Band 1914

Music played a big part in the social life of everyone in the early Goldfields days. Most people could sing or play instruments or like these people be part of a band.  Musical evenings in private homes were very popular as well as more elaborate musical events held in places like the town halls. This […]

Central Garage Service Station -Time Lapse

Formerly the Golden Mile Tea and Grill Rooms, Maritana Street, Kalgoorlie 1935. Now the Maritana Mall

Lulu Benstead – ‘The Westralian Warbler’

Lulu Benstead was born in Alice Springs, the daughter of goldfields pioneer Bill (William) Benstead (Williams story about  his fascinating life will be told in another edition) and Triphenia Benstead. She studied with Mrs Jack Wilson in Coolgardie and performed regularly in the goldfields. Indeed, the Western Mail newspaper described Coolgardie as the ‘…musical centre of the goldfields’. She […]