The Shadow of Death Hotel – and the story of Tigertail and the ‘New Chum’

There was a man by the name of John Hawes who was a parish priest up to the 1930’s. in the Yalgoo/Murchison district. In a biography on his life he tells of how, after riding all day, he spent the night at a lonely wild spot with a well called the ‘Shadow of Death’. There was nothing […]

The Adelaide Silver Grill – Sepia Saturday

  The Adelaide Silver Grill Dining Rooms was known as a superior establishment as will be seen by the following advertisement from the Coolgardie Miner in Dec 1894. The proprietors were McIver and Smith and it was located in Bayley Street, Coolgardie opposite the Freemasons Hotel. It was also known as ‘The Grotto’ and later […]

Where Belinda Brought the Drinks!

by Andree Hayward 1896 In the outback pub it was always know when ‘womenfolk’ would be arriving in town. The news could never be kept secret. When the weekly coach arrived all eyes would be on the lookout to catch a glimpse of the ‘new girl’. There was no lack of assistance in helping with […]

Kenny and Co Coach Builders – Sepia Saturday

J Kenny and Co, Wheelwrights and Coach Builders. In 1902 it was situated between the cross-over of Richardson and Forrest Sts Boulder on the left hand side from the direction of Burt Street. Prior to this it was near Powells Hotel (Later to be the Boulder Block) on the Great Boulder. Kalgoorlie Miner 1901:- “Messrs […]

A Little Home in Boulder

This is indeed a tiny home on the Goldfields:-  his is Mary Howell nee Hughes at her home in Lane Street Boulder with her baby daughter, Agnes Lillian Howell, who was born in Boulder in 1903. Mary was married to Gwilym (Bill)  Howell and they already had a son Endaf Howell aged 5 yrs. It […]