The Mirror, Perth WA 15 August 1931, page 16 THE PROPERTY KING OF KALGOORLIE SUCCESSFUL ENTERPRISE IN REAL ESTATE ACTIVITIES OF MR CECIL BROWN I’ve plenty of buyer for homes, but few homes for sale. I’ve a big demand for houses and flats, but scarcely any to let. The most solvent centre of the Commonwealth […]
The Bicycle and The Bush – book review
The Bicycle and the Bush by Jim Fitzpatrick – Fitzpatrick spent years researching this book, which looks at the bicycle’s use in rural Australia from 1890-1920. It is one of the most unusual, innovative explorations ever undertaken into the role of a transport device and its relationship with a society and its environment. This book surveys the […]
A Woodline Childhood in the 1940s – by Ron Matthews
From the late 1890s until the early 1950s because all heavy machinery was steam driven, vast quantities of wood were required to fuel the boilers, coal was too expensive. Consequently Wood Lines were born. The last surviving company was “The Western Australian Goldfields Firewood Supply Limited” which ceased operations in 1964. From early 1946 until […]
Child of the Woodline – grave tales
Some years ago I posted the following photograph and although I said I had no idea who was the child buried in this sad little grave in the Kalgoorlie Cemetery, it was shared many thousands of times. It evokes all the sadness of a family who were unable to afford a proper memorial so they […]
Tom McMillan and the Wobblies – by David McMillan
As we commemorate the ANZAC battles of a century ago, it is not generally appreciated today that Australia was bitterly divided over its commitment to the war effort. The Labor Prime Minister, Hughes, had promised Britain another 80,000 men but was unable to get the necessary legislation through the Labor-controlled senate; two thirds of the […]