From: The Countryman, 1st Sept 1950 – There was the time that the brokers who were negotiating to purchase the Merton’s Reward Goldmine in 1902 arrived at Menzies by horse drawn buggy at 8pm, after the train for Kalgoorlie had left. It was essential for them to reach Kalgoorlie before midnight when the option on […]
Where Was That? – by Geoffrey Higham
-an Historical Gazetteer of Western Australia This publication may not be known to many, but I use it often, as it is invaluable when searching for places that no longer exist in current records. Either the place has ceased to be or it has had one, or even more, name changes over the years. In […]
Montgomery Brothers Stores
Many of you will know of the Montgomery Brothers store in Hannan street but did you know that they also had stores in Menzies, Boulder, Kookynie and Southern Cross. I was recently sent this great photo which I think was taken in the 1960’s, and shows the Menzies Hotel with the old store still next […]
Kanownas Anzac Story – by Robert Baugh
With the outbreak of hostilities in 1914, Kanowna, situated 18km north west of Kalgoorlie was a mining town in decline. The gold had not run out but big mining companies had lost faith or patience with the district and had closed their operations in 1912. The town’s population began drifting away and by the commencement of World War I, […]