A Tragedy Recalled !!! The Six Mile Murder – by Clara Patton Crimes against women of any kind were very rare on the Goldfields of Western Australia. The prospecting community respected and valued women and welcomed their presence. It was therefor, a terrible shock to the community when it was made known that […]
We dont like Cricket ‘Oh No’ We love it !!!!!
Well, it’s that time of year again so here are a few photos for the cricket fans:- Back Row:- J Calder (Umpire), J Elari, M Porter, D Wearing, J Cahill, A Bennetts Middle Row:- C Williamson, L Stephens, W Trewhella (Capt), C Burgess (V Capt) E Prince Sitting:- T Porter and C Calder Back Row:- […]
Darlot Update – the cemetery
Following up from the recent post on Darlot I would like to now add the cemetery details which will be also on the Outback Family History page for Darlot:- “The exodus out East has been attended by sad results to at least seven of the hardy pioneers. Among those who have fallen victim to the […]
Gwalia Tragedy – murder at the two up!
Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 – 1954), Sunday 30 December 1906, page 5 The “Sunday Times” had a visit last week from the brother of the late James Reilly, killed by Joseph Higgins at Gwalia on September 4 1906. The particulars of the case must be fresh in our readers’ minds. Reilly tried to […]
Leonora Snapshot – death from despair
This is the second snapshot of biographies from the Leonora Cemetery. As in the previous post it covers from 1902 to early 1911. In this time there were 12 suicides:- Suicide was quite a common thing in the early days on the goldfields. Men, and a few women, who find themselves in a state of […]