Patrick Murphy – Ganger, Prospector and Bushman

One of the volunteers who assist me with researching the people on the Miners Memorial, Eric Chamberlain, came across the following story which I thought would be of interest. Patrick Murphy was a well know bushman and prospector in his own right, but it was his parents who first interested me in his  story. His […]

Up on old Coolgardie – a verse

Ye who’ve done your pioneering Up on old Coolgardie Little caring, nothing fearing Honest men and hardy Ye who blazed the Golden Track In the wake of Bayley. Pushing to the Outer Back Gallantly and Gaily Ye who crossed the raging foam Taking risks and all in Good Bye speeding you from home and the […]

Western Australian Lonely Graves – books

Latest Release:-  Western Australian Lonely Graves  by Yvonne and Kevin Coate Four volume set  full details:- Hesperian Press ISBN 978-0-85905-682-3, A4, 1284 pages,  soft cover,  3.5 kg     $325.00* + POST These magnificent volumes are the result of nearly 40 years research by Yvonne and Kevin Coate and their associates, and contain details of thousands […]

Boulder Central 1953- school days

The following photograph excellent and has been sent in by Elwyn Clement (nee Gansberg). Also she has been able to name all of the other children. Standard 3, 1953   :      Teacher – Mrs. Verna Brennan Back Row (from left) Edwin Grafton, Brian Bingley, Brian Harvey, David Wreford, Ian Baker, Roger Collie, Lee Cassidy, John […]

Then and Now – Goldfields Motor House

I just love these ‘Then and Now’ pics!! This is the Vissign Australia Building at 125 Boulder Road (across the road from McDonald). As you will see it hasn’t changed a bit since these photos were taken just after WW2 in 1945. They were sent in by Graeme Hickmott, whose father had the garage.