Men of the Lake View & Star – NEWS !!!!!!!

ENTER HERE:  →    MEN OF THE LAKE VIEW AND STAR It’s finally up and running. The very first stage of the records of the Lake View and Star project is finally online and able to be searched.  This massive data entry project has taken some time, as you can imagine, the bulk of the records […]

The Adolph Brother – a family story

The three Adolph brothers were to travel to Kanowna from their home in South Australia. They were the sons of Frederick ADOLPH a farmer and Wilhemina STEF. George Charles Otto ADOLPH b. South Australia –Went to WA Goldfields with his brothers about 1895.  In 1901 lived at Golconda Street Kanowna, worked as a goldminer died age 41 […]

Burbanks People – town snapshot

Burbanks did not have its own cemetery so any burials took place in nearby Coolgardie. The following are the burials of Burbanks people in the Coolgardie Cemetery:- ALNWICK Charles – d 25 Nov 1901,  29yrs,  Occ:- Miner, Cause:- being struck by a timber in the Lady Robinson GM, Verdict of the Coroner, Father: Thomas ALNWICK […]

Strange Happenings – grave tales

I have to admit that I have spent quite a bit of time wandering around cemeteries, as I am sure many of you will admit to as well. My children as well have accompanied me on may of these visits and they became very good at finding names for me. My mother assured me that […]

The Money or the Wife ??? –

Kalgoorlie Western Argus (WA : 1896 – 1916), Tuesday 23 October 1900, page 25 MATRIMONIAL MISFITS  :    A lady, who after 17 years of connubial bliss, took it into her head to elope with a jockey, was charged with larceny of £70 from her lawful husband. The latter, it appears, was reconciled perfectly to the […]